12 week Challenge AKA shrinking violets Sun July 9th


Good Morning ladies!!

I never got my workout in yesterday.Seems like nowadays if i don't get up early enough to workout it just doesn't happen.
This morning i will do Step pump & jump. This is my first time attempting this working in it's entirety.

I believe this is our last week of the challenge. I believe the last day is the 13th and we are supposed to reveal our pics, etc on the 14th. someone please correct me if i am wrong.

I was thinking about a new name for us, couldn't come up with anything. However i was instead of challenge in our title, however about just a name for ourselves to check in with each other. if we decide to do another type of challenge then that's great. I think alot of people fell off because they couldn't continue with the "challenge". let me know what everyone thinks.

Anyone interested in do the look great in eight rotation? I was looking at it and it looks pretty "challenging", LOL. I was on videofitness.com. One of the ladies there did the rotation and had tremendous results.

Have a great day ladies!!
RE: 12 week Challenge AKA shrinking violets Sun July 9t...

Hey Sunny and all who follow.

I was not counting actual weeks of this challenge...just using the same date each month as the time for measurements and pics so according to the way I have been "counting", the 20th is the final day and I need all of the extra time I can get after that darned vacation!:eek:

I have an outdoor run planned for this morning finally. I was supposed to do one every weekend but with vacation and life in general getting in the way...ok, more like SLEEP getting in the way :p...it's been a couple of weeks atleast since I got one in so this morning I HAVE to do it! The last time I went out I did 2 miles with only a one minute rest in between. Let's see what this morning brings...:)

I don't know what to call the "new" check-in either...I'm not feeling very creative lately. LOL

Hope everyone has a good day!:)
RE: 12 week Challenge AKA shrinking violets Sun July 9t...

Hello all.

No exercise for me today yet. I set my alarm for 6:00 to get up and go back to the track early before it got hot. It was still dark so I decided not to go.

I figured the end of the 12 weeks would be the 14th too. But if others have individual dates, I don't have a problem with that. I'd love to push mine back as far as I could, but Im afraid it wouldn't matter because whether I have 1 week or 4 weeks, I won't meet my 12 week goals. Hopefully I can meet them by the end of summer.

Should we make the next one's official date the 1st of each month? That makes it easy to remember. As for names, if we don't want Challenge as part of the name, we can just call ourselves "Shrinking Violets", since we already are referring to ourselves that way lately?

gotta get to church, I'm late since I decided to post.

RE: 12 week Challenge AKA shrinking violets Sun July 9t...

The Shrinking Violets name is okay with me!:)

Well my run was a flop.x( I went out too late...it was just too warm. I did a one mile warm up walk which might have hurt me too. I usually only walk for 5 mins to warm up, not 15! I ran 1 mile and then did my usual 5 min cool down. The only GOOD thing about is that I beat my fastest outdoor mile time so far. It was 10.52 mins the last time and is now 10.38 so atleast I am happy about THAT!

I feel like I didn't get enough of a work out but I really don't have time for anything else at this point. BLECH! I hate that! Now my whole day is going to be "off". Funny how working out can affect a person so much!
RE: 12 week Challenge AKA shrinking violets Sun July 9t...

i am cool with shrinking violets, LOL

well i completed 50 mins of SJ&P-whew, what a workout. i burned 400 calories!!! how many would i have burned if i completed the workout???

Wendy- there are plenty of times i feel the same way. i wonder why that is, hmmmm???

jean- enjoy your rest day. i think the first of the month is an excellent idea.

ok, enough chatter, off to church.
RE: 12 week Challenge AKA shrinking violets Sun July 9t...

Hi Girlies!

I'm no shrinking violet at the moment (quite the opposite actually), but that's a good name.

I was going to wait till next week when DH leaves to start challenging myself again, but I'm starting tomorrow. Today I'm resting and hanging by the pool and tomorrow I will start a new rotation and get back to my clean eating habits.

SJP is a fun workout Sunny don't you think? Good job.

I hear ya Wendy on feeling "OFF"! We'll get back "on" tomorrow sound good?

Hi Jean! Hope you were'nt too late for church!


RE: 12 week Challenge AKA shrinking violets Sun July 9t...

No, I made it to church just as it was starting. I have to share what our priest did though. I thought is was really funny and will probably be effective at least at first. It has been a common problem that people leave before the mass is fully over. I attend a Cahtolic Church and some parishoners leave after Communion instead of waiting for the final prayers and blessings. Anyway, our priest had sayings painted on the side exit doors. One of them say "Judas left the mass early". He said he saw a man from yesterday's services read it and then sat back down for the rest of the service. So I guess some people will probably stopped trying to sneak out the side doors early.

RE: 12 week Challenge AKA shrinking violets Sun July 9t...

Jean, I see tons of people leave after Communion. That is very common and I personally think it's awful. If you are going to go then stay until the Mass is over IMO.

Sunny, SJP kicks butt, no? }( I am not a fan of the hi/lo section but other than that it's a good work out!

Kali, I have been "OFF" since vacation! A little with my work outs but MAJORLY with eating! UGH! Every day I wake up saying I'm gonna be good ALL DAY and it goes out the window at some point! BLECH! I GOTTA get back on the wagon before I start undoing my progress! x(

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