12 week challenge 7/12 wednesday


Good Morning Violets!;)

My plan for today is a spin class and weight work. I will do weights at home with our dear Cathe. :) If time is against me, which it so often is LOL, and I can't make it to spin class in time, then I will hop on the TM.

Have a great day!
Good morning. I finally got in a decent workout. I did Portiions of Body Max, then PH Abs, and some sprints on the TM to work on improving my speed. I've got another busy day ahead, so I'll try to check back later. Gotta run. Hope everyone has a great day.

Hi Wendy and Jean!

I happen to have Bodymax on my rotation today Jean. I think I'm going to walk too if it's not too humid out there yet.

Wendy hope you get all of your workout in! What'd DH say about the realtor? Is it a go?

Well I am happy to inform you guys that DH is not going to Iraq. His cholestoral (sp) is off the chart and they will not let him go. So...he is going to the DR tomorrow for meds and we have committed to eating healthy and he's quitting smoking. This will work out for all of us. He loves to cook and is already coming up with recipes geared toward what I eat!

If he levels off he may be able to go in January, but who knows. He's going to get some OT at work, and I'll have to start working 3 or 4 days a week again. :( Oh well. It'll all workout.

So I didn't eat "enough" yesterday, but it was all clean stuff that I had. So I'm on my way back!

Thanks Karen by the way, my challenge has begun!

Talk to you all later! Hello to all who follow!


Hi Wendy and Kali and all who check in later.

Wendy, how long have you been taking spinning classes? I keep wanted to try one, but I'm very nervous about it. The club that I had the trial membership for had one and it was right out on the main floor. I didn't want to do that one becasue people could seen me. The club that I'm already a member of (but never go to) has a spinning room. So maybe some day I will get the courage up and try it.

Kali, your the first person that I know who is happy her dh has high cholestoral. Just Kidding. Glad he gets more time with you. What military branch is he in? Any chance, since he is being delayed, that he could be sent somewhere other than Iraq? Now I'm just being nosey so if you don't want to share, that's OK, but I was wondering if you have had to move around alot with his assignments. I know my brother(30 years Navy) has moved around a lot. I guess he likes it, but it would drive me crazy.

Wendy I forgot to mention Good luck with the home selling and purchasing. We have sold 2 houses. The first one was easy. An investor bought it, so we were able to rent it back while we looked for another house. The second one took longer to sell. We moved into a rent house while our current house was being built. The hardest part for me with both sales was having to have the house ready for a showing everyday. I'm a clutter bug. I did read an article that had great ideas on quick clean ups. One was you tear through the house (after getting the "I'm on my way to show your house" call) and throw everything in a box or laundry basket and throw it in the trunk of your car. I've heard people hiding things in the dryer too, but with my luck I would have thrown a box of crayons in there and then forgotten and added a load of laundry and had a big Yuck to deal with. Hope it all goes smoothly for you.

Hello Kali and Jean.

Kali, Sorry to hear about your DH's cholesterol troubles but happy to hear that he is not going overseas since you obviously had many understandable reservations about it. I'm glad DH is also open to eating healthier in light of his cholesterol level! That should help you stay on track immensely!

The realtor is a go. I talked to DH last night and as a matter of fact, I just now sent an email off to her letting her know we are interested in hiring her!:)

Jean, I joined the gym 3-4 months ago so I have been taking spin on and off since then. I agree that I would not want to take the class "out in the open" either. My gym has it's own spin room. When I was looking at gyms I went to one who's aerobic class area was completely open and the cardio machines faced the area! YIKES! No way! LOL As far as the class itself...don't be nervous. If you feel you need to keep a slower pace it's fine. All of the instructors I've used say that. ESPECIALLY newcomers to the class. It IS a bit of a surprise how tough of a work out it is when you first take a class but you are a Catheite! I'm sure you'll do great! Just be careful the first few times...listen to your body!:)

Well, no work out for me today yet....actually it will, in all honesty, probably be a rest day for me now. My ATTEMPT to get to the gym this morning was a joke so I gave up and went grocery shopping and to the bank instead. I COULD work out right now but it would be a MAJOR rush since DS will get up w/in the hour from his nap. My rest day was due for tomorrow so it's no biggie...maybe I'll just tack an extra work out day on next week's schedule to make up for it!}(
Hi Jean and Wendy!

Jean, my DH is not with the millitary. He works for an Army Depot who sends volunteers over to help the millitary. He would have been installing the security devices on the vehicles that detect the roadside bombs. I am worried about him but with him eating healthy and taking something for it, I'm confident he'll be ok. I know it sounded a bit strange me seeming like I was happy he has it! That surely is not the case tho.
You'll do great in class! Like Wendy said "YOU ARE A CATHEITE"!! Go and have a blast!

Yes Wendy it is a wonderful thing that he's so open to eating right. We already started today! Glad DH agrees about the realtor. I hope everything goes smoothly and quickly for you.

Well I just got done with Bodymax. That is a long mother. My knee didn't bother me at all.:) Going to shower now after sweating buckets in this humidity. Be back later!

Hello to anyone who follows!

good evening ladies,

kali- sorry to hear about dh's high cholestrol

wendy-sometimes you just gotta take those unscheduled rest days.

jean- go ahead and give spinning a try. i love it!

today i did imax 2. i just love that workout. it's so much fun. i remember the first time i tried it, i was like what is this woman nuts:D and i shelved it for awhile now it's one of my most favorite workouts.

did we ever come to a conclusion when this challenge ends?

have a wonderful evening everyone!

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