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  1. N

    Anyone Else Not Have Kids By Choice?

    DH and I are proudly in this club, too. We have four canine children whom we adore and my parents even refer to as their grand sister thinks of her as their Aunt. It's great and right for us. The hardest part of this is DH's mom who believes it our duty to produce lots of...
  2. N

    Favorite Music

    This will sound kind of weird but I notice Cathe using some Hardrock/classic rock snippets in segments. For instance, Cold as Ice (origiannly foreigner), You give love a bad name (Bon Jovi). It be cool to hear some Def Leppard...maybe pour some sugar on me....Let's get rocked....Photograph...
  3. N

    O/T Should Terry Schiavo be made to live or die?

    I don't care much about the husbands motivation. If she had wanted the plug pulled, then by all means pull the plug. I have this in place ifanything should ever happen to me and I want it honored. As for her starving to death, sounds like a cruel way to die if you had brain brain function...