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  1. C

    Buff Badgers May 1

    Good morning, Tonight will be a short run, probably about three miles. Crazylegs on Saturday went better than I expected. I was nervous beforehand and started out faster than I should have, so by mile 3.5 I walked a little. But I still cut four minutes off my time from last year! I was pretty...
  2. C

    Buff Badgers Thursday 4-27-06

    Good morning, I almost didn't find this new forum! I haven't exercised yet... was too sleepy to get up extra early. I brought clothes so I could run over lunch. Laurie, the Crazylegs is a lot of fun. You start on the Capitol Square and then run on the edge of campus around to Camp...
  3. C


    :) Not yet! I've got 26 years as a Boilermaker vs. almost two in Madison. Love the city, really enjoy working at the school, but I think I've become more of a Purdue fan since I moved away!
  4. C

    Runners check-In 4/26

    Good morning, I haven't checked in in a few days because I haven't gone for a run since Saturday. I planned to run last night after my trig exam (I'm taking night classes so I can hopefully go to grad school eventually), and as the afternoon and, later, the test wore on, I got a really bad...
  5. C


    Good morning, I took yet another rest day yesterday — that was three in a row, although I guess I don't really count Sunday since we were putting up fencing all day. That's how I'm easing my guilt :) Anyway, I ran about four miles this morning. It's almost to the point where it's light enough...
  6. C


    Good morning, I didn't end up working out yesterday. I meant to get up early today and do something, but I hardly slept with all the wind. It was making my dogs go crazy — they were on and off the bed all night. I have an exam tonight so I'm going to wear workout clothes to class, then go to...
  7. C


    Good morning, I haven't worked out yet today, and I may not. I had a really busy weekend and am still sore! Saturday was my 10-mile run, which went pretty well. It was hard, but I felt pretty good during it. I was hobbling around for a few hours after, though. My brother and I had softball...
  8. C

    Runner's Check-in Sat 4-22

    Hello, I've had a busy few days at work so haven't had much time to check in. I ran five miles on Tuesday and Thursday, and last night I did Kick Max and Muscle Endurance upper body split. I'm happiest to report, though, that I just finished my last training run before my half-marathon...
  9. C


    Good morning, I ran five miles this morning. I didn't get to work out yesterday; I stayed at work late, then had to work on homework when I got home. Susan, Circuit Max is one of my favorites! It really is surprisingly tough. Have a great day, Ellen
  10. C

    Buff Badgers 4-19-06

    Good morning, I haven't worked out yet today. I was awake to go for my run, but it started to thunderstorm so I stayed in bed and went back to sleep. That's the best sleeping weather, I think. I might go for a run on campus at the end of the day, or I might go home and do Kick Max and part of...
  11. C


    Hello, This has been a super-busy day at work. I wish the weekend were closer. This morning I ran five miles on the treadmill. I'm trying up my mileage the next couple of weeks, before I taper for the mini. Nothing else is really going on with me... just work work work. Take care, Ellen
  12. C


    Good morning, I had a pretty rough run on Saturday that kind of set the stage for the rest of the day. Right after I got home from my run, feeling tired and wheezy, my boyfriend and I decided to do some yard work. Then we had to go to my mom's to help her put up some new fencing. By the time...
  13. C

    Runners check-in 4-17

    Good morning, I had a pretty bad longish run on Saturday. I had intended to do 10 but made it only to about seven, with periods of walking interspersed in the run. I couldn't get my breathing to regulate and felt like I was really huffing and wheezing... not fun! So I'd run a few minutes and...
  14. C

    Runners Check-In April 14th

    Good luck to everyone on their long runs this weekend. I know we're supposed to have beautiful weather here in Wisconsin; I don't know how it is everywhere else. And good luck to Laura on her half! I will not have time to work out today. I'm hoping to do 10 or 11 tomorrow, although some...
  15. C


    Good morning, I probably won't work out today. I have a 10-mile run scheduled for tomorrow, and after work I have to go out to my mom's in Stoughton to pick up my dogs — they're staying there today while our roof is being replaced. So no time for me to squeeze anything in. Did anyone else...
  16. C


    Hello, I have had an unbelievably busy day at work. I think I'm going to have to miss class tonight to finish up here and because I still have to finish some stats homework that is due tonight. I got up extra early and went to the gym to run. I'm very impatient to feel 100 percent again...
  17. C

    How often do you get headaches?

    Marie, I have always gotten a lot of headaches. If I don't get at least one a week, I feel lucky. There are varying levels; most I can live with comfortably. I have to be very conscious of my body and how I feel to avoid migraines. I used to get them at least once a month, but they've...
  18. C


    Good morning, The rain was so soothing this morning, I didn't get up to work out like I had intended. I'm leaving work early today for a dentist appointment, so I'm planning to run after that. Have a great day, Ellen
  19. C


    Good morning, Susan, take care of yourself! I hope you find something that will work for you and help you feel better. Laurie, the diving your daughter is doing sounds like so much fun! Since I took a rest day yesterday, I got up early today to go to the gym and managed 40 minutes of...
  20. C

    Running Check-In - April 11/06

    Good morning, I managed to run for 40 minutes on the treadmill today, yay! It wasn't great but it wasn't as tough as it was over the weekend. Hopefully I've kicked this cold. I'm interested in finding out more about how to implement tempo and interval runs too. I know I should be doing...