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  1. J

    Baby Eric Pictures

    Thank You for sharing! Oh Cathe - Thank you so much for sharing those pictures with us. What can I say - he's beautiful! The pictures brought back so many memories of my first baby (she's 7 going on 17). Enjoy these times because the are special and go by so very, very quickly. By the way, you...
  2. J

    Baby Eric Is Here!

    Congrats!!! What great news to hear this morning!!! Congratulations Cathe and Jon on your little tax write-off for 1999. What a great way to celebrate the millenium - with a beautiful new baby! Can't wait to see pictures! Best wishes, Janet W.
  3. J

    Thanks, Cathe, Jon, and the SNM crowd.

    Thankyou I'll ditto what everyone else has said about this weekend. Thank you to Cathe, Jon, Chris and the rest of the staff for really making us feel so welcome. I am so glad I made the trip and got to meet the VFr's. Those upper body punching drills on Sunday were fun but I am sure sore...