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  1. H

    Please help me - this is very long

    Please help - again My husband and I spoke on the ‘phone at length on Saturday morning (5 hours). He is finally accepting and admitting that he has been the one at fault and has offered to see a psychiatrist on his own. There are a myriad of issues directly linked to his childhood/upbringing...
  2. H

    Please help me - this is very long

    Thank you again. Thank you all again. You were correct, Hazel - being in the same house with him was really driving me mad and preventing me from sleeping etc.. - I was even more infuriated by the fact that he can sleep like a baby, in spite of all this - grrrrr. I went to my mother’s house...
  3. H

    Please help me - this is very long

    Thank you all for your insightful comments Even more things have happened since the weekend which have left no doubt in my mind that DH and I have very different ideas about what being married actually means and about family life and commitments. All our differences stem from our totally...
  4. H

    Please help me - this is very long

    I was talking to my DH yesterday about starting a savings plan and he turned round and said he was not ready to start trying for a baby afterall. I was shocked and disappointed at his news, especially as his reasons for wanting to delay (indefinitely) are purely selfish. We had both decided 6...
  5. H

    So distraught - please give some advice

    I am a lurker at this forum but wanted to post to get some advice. DH and I decided to start trying for a baby a few months ago now and with every month when it doesn't happen, I get so despondent. It's now very difficult for the pressure not to be on when I'm ovulating and DH is really...