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  1. G

    Exercises to AVOID??

    I was wondering if there are particular exercises that one should avoid during mid to late pregnancy. I guess there are some that your body may find particularly uncomfortable, say a reverse crunch or lunge because your stomach gets in the way. Maybe those will be somewhat obvious to...
  2. G

    pelvic floor muscle - discomfort?

    I am at 21 weeks pregnant and have been exercising almost daily since the beginning. I do all Cathe, and hence, a lot of high impact. On 3 ocassions recently, while NOT exercising, I have felt a short-lived discomfort, not quite pain, "down there." It is hard to say where or what exactly I felt...
  3. G

    Flat back --general q. & LBP q.

    It is my understanding that pregnant women shouldn't lie on their back after the first trimester--something to do with the pressure of the enlarged uterus and the pressure on the back cutting off ciculation to some large vein (veina cava or something). The result being that the mother may get...
  4. G

    Shower Gift Ideas

    My sister-in-laws have informed me that it is time for me to give them a list of people to invite to my baby shower and to get out there and register for gifts! At 20 weeks I thought this might be premature, but I suppose no sense in procrastinating. So, as a first-timer, I am asking those with...
  5. G

    thanks for preg pictures and story

    Cathe, thank you so so much for sharing your pregnancy pictures and the story of how you ate and got back into shape after having Kyle. He is just as adorable as his brother! While I know it is shameful, and I am truly very happy to be pregnant, I often feel horrible about the fat I see and the...
  6. G


    Hello everyone! I try to stay on top a discussion group when I join one. I've been very busy lately, but look forward to checking out and replying to the latest posts. Hope everyone is ready (or near ready) for the holidays and finding this to be a fun, rather than stressful, time! On to other...
  7. G

    mild pelvic discomfort

    A slightly worriesome happened to me today. I was starting my workout and was about 5 minutes into it and was doing stationary lunges (without weight of course), and I felt some discomfort than may have also had the teeniest bit of pain in the pelvic region. So I stopped and just did some easy...
  8. G

    when stomach expand ?

    With reference to your first pregnancy, when did you notice your stomach starting to expand? I have just started my second trimester and I'd swear my lower abdomen is already sticking out more. Even my husband noticed it. The waists of my pants are getting tight. I have gained about 5 or 6...
  9. G

    kickboxing - Sheila?

    Sheila--or anyone else of course!-- do you have anything to add to this comment about kickboxing while pregnant. "By the way, I've been told not to do serious kickboxing while you're pregnant because it's really stressful on your pelvic floor muscles." P.S. Can't wait until Cathe is done...
  10. G

    workouts as you get bigger

    For Christmas, I want to get some new videos. I am tempted to buy all of Cathe's new Intensity Series. The presale price is such a bargain. But I am concerned that as I get further along in my pregnancy, I may not be able to do them. (IMax2, Boot Camp) And while I ultimately want them anyhow, I...
  11. G

    weight gain first trimester

    Did any of you gain weight in the first trimester? If so, do you feel like you were eating poorly? I mentioned in a different post that I feel like I have been eating a lot. Mostly, but not always healthy or low fat. I'm afraid it has caught up with me. I think I gained two pounds. My scale is...
  12. G

    Baby Names

    Ever since I found out I am pregnant, I have been thinking about baby names. I bought a few books and have searched numerous web sites. I am finding this really difficult. The names I like tend to be THE most popular names. but I am not sure I want to give my baby the most popular name. The...
  13. G

    acog 140 bpm guideline?

    I just read in Oxygen magazine--a source I was inclined to trust--an article on pregnancy and exercise. The article says it is stating 2002 ACOG guidelines and it lists the heart rate NOT above 140 rule. But, here, Sheila and/or Cathe says that the ACOG revised this, and above 140 is ok. Has...
  14. G

    miscarriage and high impact aerobics

    I have read some information on miscarriages that I can not make sense of. Are high impact aerobic moves likely to cause a miscarriage? Some things I've read seem to indicate that it will, but some things seem to indicate that the associate between high impact and miscarriage is that you may...
  15. G

    after 12 weeks no flat back positions

    Is this gestational weeks (since last period) or fetal weeks? Gina (who must purchase a book, or several, very soon!)
  16. G


    How in the world do you all manage to get in your vegetables? Do you eat fresh, frozen, canned? Cooked, raw? Any special preparation tips? Any you especially like? I am way behind on vegetables! Do those in canned soup count in your book? Gina
  17. G

    1st trimester moms - who are we?

    I'm already getting confused! I will try and summarize our 1st trimester group! Rockette/Valerie: #3, weeks unknown to us yet! Erin F: #5, 16 weeks Willowe/Kaz #1, 23 weeks FoolofaTook #1, 10-11 weeks Gina #1, 2 fetal weeks (5 gestational) Roses...
  18. G

    Protein powder

    So has anyone continued to use a protein powder while pregnant? I typically drink Dave Draper's Bomber Blend each day. *I* feel 100% confident that he doesn't put anything 'bad' in his powder. I know him and his wife and trust them. But my husband feels like whey protein and calcium caseinate...
  19. G


    I am only 2 fetal weeks pregnant. I read somewhere that it is ok to have 2 drinks day with caffeine in it. In a previous post I just mentioned how easily I was gasping for breath. Do you think this could have been related to the incredibly weak cup of coffee I had 30 minutes prior to...
  20. G

    1st tri cardio gasping for breath

    I am only 2 fetal weeks pregnant. (I have tested positive twice and missed my period.) I feel like I get out of breath so easily! Is this possible so early or do you think it is all in my head? Cathe and Sheila say that we should be able to say 2-5 word sentences and not be gasping for breath...