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  1. C

    To SomeGurl.......

    RE: SomeGurl - are you also posting on other threads w/ different emails? Just to let you all know this person copied my post from the YAYA board and put it on this and another board. My exact same post I might add. I am seriously upset about this situation because it makes me look bad. Also...
  2. C

    Anyone willing to give away Dumbbells to a broke teenager?

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 00:17AM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 00:16 AM (Est) I am the one who posted this ORIGINAL comment on the YAYA board. I live in Alabama. I was just informed tonight of what was going on & I honestly can't believe this. To SomeGurl: Even if you wanted to asked...