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  1. C

    Idea for one on one at home or CatheLive one on one

    Vertical Loading using the Fit Tower Cathe mentioned it once and i love the idea!!
  2. C

    Video Clip of Cathe's Legs and Core Down on the Floor Live Workout

    Loved this one!! Nice change of pace to add in to my usual Cathe workout rotation :)
  3. C

    Video Clip of Cathe's Fit Legs Live Workout

    I did this one today too. My legs are fried!
  4. C

    Dr. Jade Metabolic Renewal review

    I used the actual dvd's today (instead of the downloads) and I see the 3 weekly workouts have different focus' - Legs, Back & Chest and Shoulders & Arms. There's also a 5 minute burnout routine to tack onto the end of each workout if you want, and that's all hiit cardio I think - I saw things...
  5. C

    Dr. Jade Metabolic Renewal review

    I am just starting it so I don't have a lot of insight yet. Today I did workout 1a and it was a metabolic circuit style workout - you do five exercises (some strength, some cardio) and you run through the circuit four times. The workouts are all around 17 minutes long, but you need to do your...
  6. C

    Muscles Up Cathletes…The Fit Tower Is In The QVC House!

    I didn't watch it live, but I watched it from the link this morning. And ordered :) Cathe did a great job!!
  7. C

    What's your go to low key Cathe dvd?

    When I need a lower intensity cathe workout, I often do the first 30 minutes or so of turbo barre. There's some good toning, but no jumping around or anything.