Search results

  1. K

    facebook friends?

    Hi everyone I have discovered and love the application that posts workouts from the workout manager to my facebook page. The problem is none of my friends use this application (yet) and I think it would be motivating if I had a few updates that were not my own on my facebook page... anyone...
  2. K

    Protein Shakes?

    hungry! Greek or Icelandic yogurt (Siggi's if you can find it at a health food store near you) or light silk soy milk are what I use to calm my hunger when I am in danger of throwing my diet out of whack. They are somehow very filling. Just keep in mind that while the Greek and Icelandic...
  3. K

    time limit for downloads

    Is there a time limit to download a workout once it has been purchased (does the download expire after a certain period of time)?