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  1. Ennui

    I slept for 13 hours, right through New Year's!!

    I did the same thing last night! I got sleepy around 9pm, went to bed and did not wake up until just after 9a this morning, so I completely missed New Year's too. Well, so what! I had a great evening getting some much-needed sleep. I did not have a single drop of alcohol (a new first for New...
  2. Ennui


    Oprah Too bad one of Oprah's "favorite things" isn't pushing away from the table once in a while. :rolleyes:
  3. Ennui

    some people should not have pets

    I agree with Fit44 - there should be a special place in hell for people who abuse children and animals. The owners should be left outside in the freezing cold overnight with only their skin to keep them warm. See how they like it. Sometimes I am so ashamed of the human race and the various...
  4. Ennui

    sweating when not exercisint

    This may sound like I am joking, but I am not. I had a friend once who had basically the same problem. She told me that she placed panty liners on the inside of her t-shirts/blouses so the perspiration would not show. She swore by it. I think I would try this on a weekend or something just in...
  5. Ennui

    I lost a furry baby today :(

    I am so sorry for your loss. I had a hamster once, who lived for 17 months. His name was Sliptoh, and he was so loving and sweet. I will say a prayer for Stewart.
  6. Ennui

    just for giggles...

    Very Amusing! I will have to remember that!