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  1. E

    on line dating

    Laurie: How did your date go? Eki
  2. E

    on line dating

    Hi Lauramax! I am at E Harmony, who matches you with profiles before you can make contact. Last night was my first meting experience....and maybe the last. I think I might not yet be ready for this because I had to force myself not to cancel at the last minute.... Maybe I should try...
  3. E

    on line dating

    Thank you for sharing....I am certainly discouraged, and I dont easily. I arranged for a friend to call 30 min into the "date" but there was no signal! Missed the escape route. Thanks also for your warm welcome. :9
  4. E

    on line dating

    Hi everyone. This is my first post, but I have been "lurking" the forums for years, looking for advice and encouragement. I am fairly new to Cathe, and have not exercised consistently for the past five years. I havea 6 year old son, a single mom. I have most of Cathe's dvd's but I finally...