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  1. M

    any born again christians here?

    Me too. Karen
  2. M

    Power Half Hour or Gym Styles

    Thanks for the suggestions. I have the Pyramids and Muscle Endurance on vhs, but my VCR had died. I love the Pryamids and probably should get the dvd. How would you describe Jari Love's style?
  3. M

    Power Half Hour or Gym Styles

    I am in a rut and need something new to shake things up a bit. I ordered P90X; but do not have the time to devote 1 whole hour to working out; and I think I might need to work up to it. I can get in 30-40 minutes in the am and am going to try to squeeze another 30-40 minutes in the pm. I...
  4. M

    Anyone from NC, Va, or WVa?....

    Hi I am in Asheville, NC. There is great live music scene here. Check out for info on the live music scene. It is a great public radio station that plays a great mix of music. The music scene is really diverified around here; great area for singer-songwriters. There are...