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  1. G

    Question for Sheila--Latent Labor

    I am 37 weeks pregnant and have been having latent labor for around four days. The contractions are extremely strong (similar to what I remember feeling when on Pitocin with my daughter) but also very irregular--some are only a minute or two apart, some are ten or fifteen minutes apart. The...
  2. G

    How do I stay motivated?

    I am 33 weeks pregnant and am on the brink of a major exercise slump. I am still working out about five hours a week (down from 6 1/2 to 7 hours in the second trimester), but it is becoming more and more of a struggle. No matter what I do, my stomach is in the way, and I am so tired at the end...
  3. G

    Exercise Videos

    I am looking for a good floor aerobics video that I can do while pregnant. I am five months pregnant and am finding the ones designed especially for pregnancy way too easy. I have a couple of step videos that I like, but I can't really find any good floor tapes--everything seems to be either...