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  1. 1gruntgal

    Could use some advice..

    Kathy - Most anti-coag issues can be treated fairly easily w/heparin or a simple baby asprin (I am taking one/day myself.) I saw a Reproductive Endochronologist myself b/c I was having early miscarriages as well. What he explained to me is that the mc will happen earlier each time if your body...
  2. 1gruntgal

    Baby Names

    I believe (this week) we are going w/Melina Isabella. Lynne
  3. 1gruntgal

    Am I close now?

    My dd was born on mother's day. The hospitals usually make a big deal over you! Good luck! Lynne
  4. 1gruntgal

    3D u/s

    I'm going to try to have one around the end of June. Usually you have to pay for them (the place near us is $160 & includes 8 photos & a video.) I just think it is so cool. My neighbor just had hers done. Lynne
  5. 1gruntgal

    Due Dates

    Due Sept 16th, but will go at the latest Sept 12th for a repeat C-section. We will find out the sex on April 18th. Send me girl vibes please :) (Not that I wouldn't love a boy....) Lynne
  6. 1gruntgal

    How do you feel about people wanting to touch your belly while pregnant?

    NO ONE may touch :) Except DH & DD (but she only pokes, so she's not allowed either!) I don't even want my parents or in-laws touching me. Yuck. Lynne
  7. 1gruntgal

    you guys are the best.....

    I, personally, am not having the triple (quad) screen test this time. I had a false + w/dd 12 years ago & have no intention of going through that again. Just my opinion though. Lynne