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  1. Boilergal

    Commit to get Fit & Lean for December 2014

    Hi all! Does watching MasterChef Junior and MasterChef Canada count as a workout? If so I did a lot last night...HA!! Belinda-I love Xtrain Cardio legs! Debbie-I think this medication is actually working...FINGERS CROSSED! :-) Wendy
  2. Boilergal

    Commit to get Fit & Lean for December 2014

    Hello, this is your no-workout member of the group, LOL. :-) Still coughing but I feel like this antibiotic is working. However, I'd been coughing so hard I pulled a muscle around my ribs on my left side. So coughing, muscle strain, and a cut in my hand. Hmmm. Maybe I'll start working out in...
  3. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for November 2014

    Hello Ladies! Well, it was quite an eventful week for me. DD had a temperature of 104.4 the night before Thanksgiving. Ended up at urgent care and we got her some medicine and now she's fine, but that totally freaked me out. On Thanksgiving, I sliced my hand open on a mandolin. Can't stitch it...
  4. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for November 2014

    I have officially mastered the Coughing HIIT workout (thank you, Cookie, for giving my workout a really good sounding name, LOL!!) UGH I'm so over this! Question: Do you all workout with a cough? I'm going on three weeks now and it's driving me mad. And I feel like a huge blob sloth like...
  5. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for November 2014

    Checking in with....NO WORKOUT. Unless coughing up a lung counts, LOL. ;-) Amelia-Oh honey I've been were you are. This year I finally lost the 15 pounds I've wanted to lose for YEARS. I work full time, write on the side, and have a seven year old and a husband. To get my exercise in, I have to...
  6. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for November 2014

    Hi Ladies! UGH I have been sick with cough crap!! I have been sick for two weeks. I have a horrible cough and acute sinusitis. Am on medication which makes me sick to my stomach. GOOD TIMES YOU ALL ARE JEALOUS RIGHT??? Sooooooooo obviously no workouts. I did stay home sick for three days last...
  7. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for November 2014

    Hi Ladies! WORKOUT FAIL WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY and tonight is looking DOUBTFUL. GAH. Wednesday I was just exhausted. Last night I had Writer's Group and didn't get home until 9:30. Well tonight is Friday night and I'm never in the mood to workout Friday night so I will try to hit the weekend hard...
  8. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for November 2014

    Hi Ladies! Last night was Kelly's Muscle Definition #1. Debbie/Belinda-We still have rain, LOL! Cookie-I can't even imagine what your thought process is when setting up the technology for your presentations, because I'm sure you have seen it all go wrong before!! Amelia-I was DRAGGING last...
  9. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for November 2014

    Morning Ladies! Raining here. Luckily I missed it in my morning commute but coming home will be nasty. (It's going to rain all day here today.) Last night I did Total Body Kickbox #1. Cookie-Hockey players are TOTALLY HOT. I love writing about them. :-) Debbie-I'm with Cookie, I bet you get...
  10. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    Good Morning! Hope everyone had a good weekend! :-) We did Trick or Treating, and then I went on a major fall cleaning binge (not nearly enough though LOL) and I edited 151 pages of my February release so very productive weekend! I did Muscle UP #1 on Friday and Muscle Up #2 on Sunday, so I...
  11. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    Happy Halloween to all who are participating in it! :-) Last night I did Rhythmic Step Combos 1&2. Even after all these years I can't get Combo 3, LOL. Since DD is 7 we are doing Trick or Treat. Will be leaving work early to buy candy (yes, I'm so on top of it this year!) Then we'll order...
  12. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    Hi Ladies! Last night was Kelly's PowerSculpt. TWO FOR TWO CAN YOU ALL STAND IT? HA!! Amelia-Great news about your brother getting through week 2 and not showing symptoms as of yet. I really hope that continues for him! Glad you are getting your Jessica workouts in. YAY YOU!! Whoo hoooo...
  13. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    Good Morning! Last night was Hiit 40/20. Before you get all impressed, I only used two risers on each side for the running man. Otherwise that step was on the floor, LOL! And my tuck jump is more like a bunny hop. HA!!! Belinda-Good luck at the dentist today!! Kirstin-Okay, I'm taking my...
  14. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    Kristin-Oh my gosh, I just feel the need to have you over for a cup of coffee and a big hug! You're gone through SO MUCH these past few weeks, so much emotional stress, and no wonder you were at the breaking point! I hope things are getting better for you now. xo Jessica-How is your dog doing...
  15. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    Hi ladies! Okay I'm seriously back. I finished up my book tour in October, and right after that ended I had an area of concern found on my mammogram. Girls, I was totally freaked out by this! They couldn't get me in for another mammogram for 10 DAYS. So I was very worried and very stressed so...
  16. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    Jessica-Four pounds is FANTASTIC. Keep up the excellent work! Cookie-I have one other cat now. The house just feels weird, you know? But it will be the new normal in time. Where are you, Cookie? I would LOVE to be able to drive through Vermont! Okay more later-PUCK IS DROPPING FOR DALLAS STARS...
  17. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    I AM ON FIRE I HAVE DONE THREE WORKOUTS IN A ROW! WHOOO! *Xtrain Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps *Xtrain Low Impact HIIT *Xtrain Bis and Tris ON FIRE I TELL YA!! LOL! Belinda-You really did some great workouts!! And glad you got a stronger antibiotic!
  18. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    Hi Ladies! THE WORKOUT THAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT: Xtrain Chest, Back and Shoulders. Feeling it today! Belinda-LOL on not wanting to kill your husband with Cathe! Your nerve issue sounds INCREDIBLY painful!! I'm keeping fingers crossed the antibiotics will do the trick!! Debbie-How did the...
  19. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    Hello Ladies, Well, yesterday was really hard. I ended up putting my cat of 16 years down. He had kidney disease and arthritis (which we were managing with medications) but just like THAT he started going downhill: not eating, barely moving off the sofa, etc. yesterday he began to vomit foam...
  20. Boilergal

    Commit to Get Fit & Lean for October 2014

    Hi Ladies! Workout week has been as follows... NOTHING Whoo hooo! Go me! But I did do the author takeover, a radio interview for a podcast, and had a critique group meeting so at least successful on the author front, LOL! Belinda-Good luck with the yard sale! Debbie-Have fun on your road...