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  1. pjlippert

    Puns so bad they're good!

    Oh- I love those two as well. ON a funny note- our local King Soopers has an aisle for sports drinks & sports bars- I almost always read it as sports bras!! :p
  2. pjlippert

    Puns so bad they're good!

  3. pjlippert

    Tell me this mom is joking!!!

    I am stunned at all of this. Thongs!??! Seriously???? How scary! ITA- why focus so much on girl's undergarments- it's creepy! Just let them be little girls, for God's sake!! Stop rushing their maturity. Life is complicated enough as an adolescent without adding over-sexualizing them. Just let...
  4. pjlippert

    Tell me this mom is joking!!!

    It's okay to bring her 9 yo daughter to Victoria's Secret to shop for 'pretty panties'... is she f-ing kidding me!?!?!?? They are marketing towards age appropriate college age girls!! NOT elementary age school little girls! Mom Says Victoria’s Secret Okay for Tween - ABC News It's a...
  5. pjlippert

    Prayer Request. Please and thank you

    Agreed, Tracy! JT, your prayer warriors are on the job!!! :D
  6. pjlippert

    Slipped on black ice last week!!!!! MAJOR PAIN!

    Hi gals, I wrapped my knee last night and woke up with it MUCH less swollen and a lot less painful. If it is still doing okay tomorrow, I will skip the x-ray. The bruised bone thing is interesting. I'll keep you all posted. Thank you very much for your concern & well wishes. Ugh- we are...
  7. pjlippert

    Downton Season 3 Final Episodes!

    Very sorry!
  8. pjlippert

    Slipped on black ice last week!!!!! MAJOR PAIN!

    and my right knee is still really swollen & sore. I'm talking a HARD fall! My leg literally went out from under me- somehow I caught myself with my arms (forward) , but I still slammed down onto my right knee. It's still unbelievably tender to the touch, but I can walk on it- not without pain...
  9. pjlippert

    Downton Season 3 Final Episodes!

    OMG! I was shocked by the very untimely deaths of two of the great characters. I was totally unprepared for the final, final episode then I read that the actor who plays Matthew planned on leaving the show. I just don't understand why he would want to when this has been one of the most talked...
  10. pjlippert

    Prayer Request. Please and thank you

    Prayers coming your way, JT! Pam
  11. pjlippert

    Finally found the perfect Step and interval training shoes

    Awesome! I desperately need new shoes. Thank you for the tip! Pam
  12. pjlippert

    Truly words to live by

    Oh, bless your heart!! I am sooo very sorry for your loss! I too have been through it and it is truly a gut-wrenching experience! Lots of hugs your way! ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) Pam
  13. pjlippert

    Truly words to live by

    p.s. have kleenex nearby! :) Like Page Divine Essence Of Life WHY DOGS LIVE LESS THAN HUMAN ? ANSWER OF A 6 YEAR OLD This story Melt My heart I wanna Share it ! Must read . Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named...
  14. pjlippert

    Down 10% of my body weight!!

    Oh my gosh! It blows my mind how not knowing how many cals you are really consuming when going out!! Thankfully, I"ve been too busy to eat out as much- being cheap is a good thing!! :D Pam
  15. pjlippert

    Down 10% of my body weight!!

    Thank you, Tracy! Admittedly, I did lose some of the weight through the stress diet. But most of it is from being honest with my points. Cutting out some useless calories- i.e. wine most night with dinner and eating out far too often. Amazing what a difference it all makes!
  16. pjlippert

    Down 10% of my body weight!!

    Yeahhhh!! I've been sticking with WW very closely since December and off & prior to that. So, I don't actually the totall amount of time it took- probably around 6 months total. But, I'm super happy & proud to have lost a heart-healthy amount! I definitely have much more energy & am having...
  17. pjlippert

    How to clean stainless steel?

    Footprints Our new apartment doesn't have SS anymore and actually I'm kinda glad. I was a bit OCD about smudges & finger & foot prints. Yes- footprints. When my DS was younger, he used to hang on the fridge doors :eek:- don't worry, it was built in so it couldn't fall on top of him. Thankfully...
  18. pjlippert

    How to clean stainless steel?

    Pledge & a soft, clean cloth. Pledge is much cheaper than Stainless Steal Cleaners and it works just as good IMHO. Pam
  19. pjlippert

    20 things a mom should teach her son

    Try again.... TWENTY THINGS A MOM SHOULD TELL HER SON 1. Play a sport. It will teach you how to win honorably, lose gracefully, respect authority, ... work with others, manage your time and stay out of trouble. And maybe even throw or catch. 2. You will set the tone for the...
  20. pjlippert

    20 things a mom should teach her son

    This just gave me goosebumps!!!!/photo.php?fbid=10151174776238907&set=a.10150279636283907.338855.184526908906&type=1&theater Enjoy! Pam