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  1. T

    Lifting like girls

    Deload week continues. Shoulders today, light but probably rep range was too long to be official Deload. Seated militaries 45x8 85x8 105x12 85x16, 2x12 side laterals (25s) 2x12 oly plate front raise (45) and a finishing set of seated db press x14 (45s). Will try to get an arm w/o...
  2. T

    Lifting like girls

    Deload legs today, 2 x8 sets leg press 2x10 gob squats 2x25 air squats and 3 sets of slow calf raises....quick and out!! Almost slept in but had a " mini rally"!! Heading to St Louis to dog sit and pool time....looking forward to it!!..Lisa, good on ya for the heavy stuff!! Old guy out!!
  3. T

    Lifting like girls

    Deload continues, 3x6 chins, pullover x10 8, pulldowns 2x10, db curls x10 10 and hammer curls 2x8. In the spirit of deoad I dropped the curls by 10#! Back to work, have a great day friends!!
  4. T

    Lifting like girls

    Since my latest back issue I decided to do a deload week.....wish me luck!! , First day ok! Today was chest and tris, 6 light sets flat and 2 sets incline bench. No block today, shoulders were really loose so I went with it and many reps were paused even!! 45x8 135x6 155x3 175x3 185x2 155x6...
  5. T

    Lifting like girls

    Arms today, got 12 sets in but when I did bent over kickbacks, my back said " youre done son" and so I was! Hopefully it's a short term thing. We will see. Today was 3 sets of skullcrushers db curls pushdowns and hammer curls, all the db stuff was 45s. Enjoy the weekend ladies!
  6. T

    Lifting like girls

    I did hit shoulders today, 20 sets and I really had a pretty good day. Starting with seated BB shoulder press and I got up to 115x8 125x5 115x8 and 100x9, db press 55sx9 45sx10, side laterals x15 12 10, rear delt flys x15 12 10, oly plate front raise x15 12 10 and db shrugs x24 20 16. Today was...
  7. T

    Lifting like girls

    Leg day....CHECK! Ok, not epic but leg day ALWAYS FEELS epic. I started with BB bench squats, just 135 but evidently BB squats are just not going to be in the picture for me. Back, hips and knees said nope so I stopped at 5 and went to leg press 4x8 gob squats 2x12 rev lunges 2x8 db straight leg...
  8. T

    Lifting like girls

    Back and bis, chinsx12 10 8, pullover x12 10 8 and pulldowns x12 10 8 and for bis, db curls x12 10 8 and 1x8 hammer curls. All for me, off to work!
  9. T

    Lifting like girls

    Chest and tris. Only 9 sets bench, 4 sets true. Bench was up to 215x2 225x1 205x5 185x5 ( block on bar) then 135x15 ( no block). Tris were 3 sets of. skullcrushers and a set pushdowns. Sort of a quickie! All for me friends.
  10. T

    Lifting like girls

    Shoulder day, nothing heavy..,well it FELT heavy! Standing BB pressx8-10 at 45 65 85 105 85, then 3x15 side laterals, rear delt flys and oly plate front raise. Its been 15 years since I was diagnosed with polymyositis and I have been pretty consistent training wise. I feel blessed to do this...
  11. T

    Lifting like girls

    Arm day, the normal pretty much, only 16 sets, 5 sets skullcrushers/ 5 sets db curls, 3 sets pushdowns/ 3 sets hammer curls. All for me, I'm at lunch...the calm before the storm lol! ...........Well, as you can tell I didn't get that sent!!
  12. T

    Lifting like girls

    I made it to leg day.,yay!! 4x10 leg press 1x10 single leg deadlift 2x8 db rev lunges 2x12 gob squats and 1x20 kb swings. Calves were 3 sets of kb calf raises. Then threw in cable crunches x30 20 then 20 pushups with my feet up on the bench. Now, hopefully I won't be crippled....AGAIN!
  13. T

    Lifting like girls

    Lisa, I agree on the Hondas. We have an Accord and DW has an Oddessy ( sp??), just love em. Karen, not sure bout that knitting thing lol!! Glad ya " got er done despite the wrist issue....hope it gets better! Today was back and bis, chins x10 8 6, pullover x12 12 10 and 1 arm cable pulls 3x10...
  14. T

    Lifting like girls

    No mechanics here Karen! I had a little Ranger years ago and it was fun, but the gas gage was messed up, and I ran out of gas. I showed at least 1/4 tank so I called my buddy who owned a gas station to go get it....he took a gas can, and drove it home....still living that one down!! Lisa, I...
  15. T

    Lifting like girls

    Chest tri day, 8 sets flat bench, 2 sets db inclines. Bench was up to 215x2, 225x1 205x5 (all small block under shirt)185x5 (small block on bar) and 155x8 ( no block and I lived!) db inclines 65a x10 55s x15 and tris were 2 sets of skullcrushers and 2 sets of pushdowns. Hopefully back and bis...
  16. T

    Lifting like girls

    Well I was confused lol!!!
  17. T

    Lifting like girls

    Today was shoulders and I tried. I am about crippled from leg, awful, can't hardly sit down! 7 sets of standing militaries all sets of 8 at 45 65 85 105 95 85 then 65x16 and a finishing set of seated db press, 45s x10 and they felt like 60s! I am pathetic at these and have about quit...
  18. T

    Lifting like girls

    Arm day. Typical 18 sets, all 10-15 reps. 3 sets tris, 3sets bis and so on. Skullcrushers 3x15 ( 2 45s)/ ez bar curls x15 12 12 (90) pushdowns x12 12 10/ db curls a 12 12 10 (45s) kickbacks 3x15 (45s)/ hammer curls 3x12 (35s). When I did sts I was a lot leaner, but my arms have grown like...
  19. T

    Lifting like girls

    An actual leg day, first legit one in over a month and while it probably pales in comparison to what y'all do, it was rough on me!! 6 sets leg press, mostly sets of 10, 2x8 rev lunges, 2x12 gob squats, kb swings x25 20, and 4 sets of weighted calf raises....needed the railing to make it up the...
  20. T

    Lifting like girls

    Back and bi, chins x12 5( something was pulling so I cut it there) 3x12 pullover 3x12 pulldowns, db row x12, db curls x11 10 9 and a set of db 21s...short but felt worked! Have a good hump day friends!