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  1. L

    Lotte Berk fans, Which one are you doing?

    I am new to this method but sounds like it would be a great incorporation. Which do you suggest?THank you :)
  2. L

    Cathe is mentioned in Fitness Magazine!!

    Hi SArah, Thank you for the heads up. I hope this helps CAthe get even more exposure!!!!
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    What do you think about what this therapist said?

    I thought the same thing. It seems like she is profiting from referals. At this point I realize it is mind over matter, I want over 2 years without binge/purge and then one day it just started again. Kinda weird, in fact this week I went 3 days and then the DH ordered pizza which I know is a...
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    POLL: WHat has helped you the most for the last 10 pounds?

    I am having a heated debate w/ my DH over lifting. He insists that I am wasting my time with a fatloss rotation, because he believes that you lose weight faster w/ the strength rotations. Considering you are eating a clean diet which do you think is better> I think he is thinking of the "Body...
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    What do you think about what this therapist said?

    I went to a new therapist for my ED and we were talking about exercise ans she told me that there are some places that exercise cannot help you, so she handed me a plastic surgeons card and started telling me about this new liposuction procedure that she is getting done and if I wanted more info...
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    Carole & other Freestylers...

    Thanks CArole!!! I can't wait to try it :)
  7. L

    Carole & other Freestylers...

    Hi Carole, I was reading you rposts about Freestyle training. How do you like it and do you think you are getting better results from this than lets say heavy 2x week leg training?Thank you :)
  8. L

    I just ordered Freestyle book should I also get P90x?

    I am really excited to try Freestyle training but also want P90X, do you think they might be able to be incorporated?Thank you :)