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  1. J

    Oh my goodness!

    RE: Ha Linda! Hey Debbie! Doing it again aren't I!!!!!! Just wanted to say that no matter HOW many posts you do, you'll always have something nice to say to someone, keep posting girl!!!!;-)
  2. J

    ATTN:Mindy re:Body RX

    Hi Rlam It's very hard for me to say as I haven't finished the program yet, so I will have to lewt Mindi chime in here! Sorry Lynne
  3. J

    ATTN:Mindy re:Body RX

    Hi Not Mindi, but lynne! I too am doing body rx and I hope Mindi chimes in as I ask her all the time!!!! If I can help, here goes! For cycle 1 I used S&H, for cycle 2 I used PS and for cycle 3 which I am about to start, I will use PH 3x per week. Your carb requirement is a figure not a...