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    a new "A New Earth" thread

    RE: a new I have recently finished reading the Power of Now and thoroughly enjoyed it. Living in the Now is such a powerful tool that eludes so many of us. I have been practising Living in the Now and have found it has done wonder for me. When I mentioned to my aunt, who had gone through cancer...
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    Physiques of cooking show hosts

    here is giada's website and she talks about her eating style and staying fit.
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    Help others give thanks: a holiday reminder

    Thanks for the link Kathryn...I have saved it in my bookmarks and have done my daily click!
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    non-stick pans/pots?alternatives?

    Thank you for all the helpful replies. Thanks again, Sham
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    non-stick pans/pots?alternatives?

    Hi everyone, I am just curious if anyone here uses non-stick pans made with Teflon or if you don't what do you use? and how effective is it? I do have one non-stick pan but i noticed it got scratched and I've heard that when Teflon scatches the chemicals leached out are very unhealthy. I...
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    URGENT PRAYER REQUEST PLEASE!!....................

    Prayers and good wishes sent your families way!!!
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    brown sugar or white???

    I was at the health food store today and was asking the nutritionist the same thing. She said Sucanat was the best if I needed to used a dry source sweetener but if I wanted a liquid form...agave nectar was best. It is low on the glceymic index and tastes good.
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    Emy...fruit chewies recipe pretty please?

    I'm still hopeful Emy will see this request too...:)
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    Emy...fruit chewies recipe pretty please?

    i'm bumping too :)
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    Emy...fruit chewies recipe pretty please?

    Hi Emy, I saw your post about making fruit chewies with your food processor. I just bought the Cuisinart 7 cup food processor and would like to know how you make the fruit chewies please? Thank you, sham
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    Is it wrong for me to feel this way...

    Thank you all for taking the time to respond. Sham
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    Is it wrong for me to feel this way...

    thanks Kirsten, I appreciate you opinion. Yeah, I think it would make me feel better if he deleted the pics of them.
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    Is it wrong for me to feel this way...

    Hi ladies, I am in need of your opinion. My SO went to the annual Beerfest this weekend in Canada. He goes to it annually and its a time when all his buddies get together and drink. I asked him to show me the pics he took there. Now here is where I need your opinion... We were going...