
Taking care of family and animals, horses, 4-H, treats (chocolate and Hostess products).
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
Umm. Well, I have to be honest and admit I have purchased and planned more workouts than I have actually done.
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I saw her on FitTV, and I thought her workouts looked more challenging and more fun than any classes I ever took at a gym.
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
I think Cathe knows what she is doing and wouldn't make workouts that didn't work -- no senseless hopping and flopping with Cathe products, you feel confident every move she does has a good purpose.
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
Quite a few, but they are fewer in number than the excuses I make up for not doing them on a consistent, regular basis.
My Fitness Goals
To become fit, to ward off health problems associated with being overweight and from not exercising enough, and to feel confident and pretty in clothes I like instead of clothes I think might be okay.
My Success Story
W.I.P. Must increase the W part of that. And the progress. I can go gung-ho for a few weeks, then fall off the wagon. Hoping STS will launch me to a new level of discipline and consistency.
Housewife and all the jobs that position entails.

