Recent content by Tuvak1

  1. T

    Who is next??? What month are your beautiful babies due??

    RE: Who is next??? What month are your beautiful babies due?? Due May 15th
  2. T

    Preggos check in march 4

    I don't think I posted last week but my workout weeks are going okay. After staying fit as a fiddle for 7 months i was knocked out by a cold two weeks ago. So took things down a notch this past week Mon - swim 1/2 mile Tues - Yoga class Wed - aerobics hi/lo class Thus - walked 2.5...
  3. T

    preggo check in week of 2-18

    Hello ladies It has been a while - I have been working out - but just not posting. I am now 7 months and chugging along. Looks like everyone is having great workout - I have had to seriously take it down a notch and modify and that has bugged me - so maybe that is why I haven't posted as...
  4. T

    Preggo check in -week Feb. 11

    I haven't posted in a really long time - But as far as weight gain goes - I was doing really well the first tri - gained 4 pounds - Then bam in the 2nd tri I have gained lots of weight - I thinkk at 7 months I'm now up to 22 pounds with basically 17 of that happening in 3 months. I'm hoping...
  5. T

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Well I have been very healthy - I work in a petri dish - I teach 5th/6th graders. I have been one of the healthest teachers on our staff this winter - we have had strep, bronchities, pnemonia(sp) flu and all sorts of other weird stuff among the staff. In one meeting I was about to get up and...
  6. T

    Evangeline Gloria has arrived!

    Maggie - congratulations on the newest addition to your family. Love the name.
  7. T

    pregnancy check in week of jan 1

    Morris - The club I belong to is pretty high intensity and everyone sweats tons and tons. They have bags to put your wet clothes into after a workout. This may be TMI for ya but after a 75 minute class which is the length of all the classes I usually look like I just got out of a pool. If I...
  8. T

    pregnancy check in week of jan 1

    Maggie - Good luck on the baby coming soon I think it is really interesting on how different everyon is. I can make it through a 90 minute circuit class but I can't lift a 30 lb barbell - Heck I can barely get our laundry downstairs. For whatever reason very early on when I lift thing bulky...
  9. T

    pregnancy check in week of jan 1

    Morris - Don't worry before you know it you belly will be filling out. My belly literally popped in the 19th week. Really wasn't there and then bam over one weekend it showed up. I'm also still impressed you are getting so much running in. I bet if running hasn't started bothering you that...
  10. T

    A good ultrasound experience

    Maggie, I'm so glad your ultrasound went well and it is such a huge relief to know all the parts that need to be counted are present to be counted. Update on my ultrasound : I just had my second ultrasound on Friday and strangely ended up having the same techs and they were so nice and...
  11. T

    Moms 2 Be Checkin 12-25

    Morris, I think our weight gain is fine. You can't compare yourself to anyone else when it comes to weight gain. You are still exercising and being healthy. My midwife told me wieght gain is more of a concern if the person is sedentary. Personally I'm not worrying about my weight gain - I'm...
  12. T

    Moms 2 Be Checkin 12-25

    Adrienne, you are getting close. I go to a aerobics studio called - The Firm a Workout Studio. No relation to The Firm. All the aerobics instructors there love the preggo ladies and make us feel like superstars all the time. I had great workout week. I had another massage and still...
  13. T

    moms 2 be check in 12/18

    Welcome Kim, I am right about wear you are at 19 weeks. I feel your pain on migraines. I experienced them from week 15 to17 one every day. Then I got a massage from a massage therapist who has dealt with migraines to work out the tension in my neck. I have now been migraine free for 10...
  14. T

    Ultrasound experience

    Oh I am thankful for all the technology that we have. In more ways then one. My father wouldn't be here to enjoy this experience if it weren't for medical advancements. It is not so much the ultrasound itself that bothered me it was the technicians giving the ultrasound. They were not...
  15. T

    Ultrasound experience

    I am now19 weeks and had my 20 week ultrasound. Peanut decided to be most uncoperative and stayed curled up in a ball the whole time. Actually the whole appointment was unenjoyable. The office was running 30 minutes late. Then when I got in with the technician she got up and left several...