
Fitness, strength, health, fashion, design including interior design.
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I found Cathe through Fit TV in 2007 when I moved to USA. Joy!
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
This is going to sound awful, but one of the main things I love about Cathe's workouts is that she doesn't engage in endless chatter, she doesn't whoop, she doesn't harangue and bellow like some. She she isn't annoying, and she is quietly motivating in what she does say. I also like the fact that workouts are exceedingly well-designed compared to most other exercise DVDs on the market (I have hundreds and hundreds). And I tend to find Cathe's workouts sufficiently INTERESTING to keep me going. I particularly hate endless repetitions of segments that some workouts have. Somehow, Cathe's bits of repetition don't have that feeling of tortured boredom I get with most others. And of course most importantly, Cathe's workouts are in most cases advanced rather than too-easy. And the ones that aren't advanced are still EXCELLENT. I love Cathe's personality, her genius design of workouts, and her genius presentation of workouts. No one cues better than Cathe. She makes everyone else look really
Where I work out most often