
writing; singing; computers; movies; music; books; good food
June 29
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
bought a step board from Kmart that was packaged with All Step from Cross Train Xpress
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
excellent quality, loads of options/great chaptering; challenging, unique, convenient, fun and Cathe -- she is challenging, motivating, inspiring, she is the Step aerobics cue- master, she's professional and adorable all in one cute little powerhouse package.
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
Tae Bo, Pilates for Dummies and Power Yoga with Sarah Ivenhoe
My Fitness Goals
fittest ever by 41.
My Success Story
With Cathe's workouts there with me every step of the way, the South Beach diet, my husband's support and my own never-knew-I-had-so-much-of-it do or die determination, I lost over 75 pounds during the 9 months after I gave birth to my beautiful son in 2005, who is now two and a half years old. I've played the see saw game with about 5-7 pounds every now and again (hey life's too short you gotta have a little bit of fun), but thanks to the convenience of my Cathe workouts I'v never gone farther than that and have managed to maintain my weight loss for almost two years now. My goals now as I enter my fabulous 40s are to focus more and more on strength training. If anybody can get me to curl a weight, believe me, it's Cathe. There are just too many benefits (the least of which isn't the ability to totally transform your body) to weight training and even though it's tough work, it's so very rewarding in so many ways, and Cathe is the best companion to have on your journey. So I'd def

