hiking, bird watching, shooting (at clay pigeons), cross stitching, snowshoeing, cross country skiin
- Birthday
April 30
- When I began doing Cathe Workouts
- About 5 years ago
- How I found out about Cathe Workouts
- Through collage video catalog. I was looking for
something more advanced than Kathy Smith and
Denise Austin. They both drive me crazy!!
- Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
- They're challenging. When I am done I am tired & sweaty but also feel great. I wanted to get stronger and leaner and Cathe's workouts are great for both. She cues well, encourages you, and her voice is not annoying like Kathy's and Denise's.
- Where I work out most often
- Home
- Other Workout DVDs that I own
- Amy Bento's: Slo-Mo Strength Challenge, All Pump Xtreme, Kickbox Xtreme, Advanced Step Challenge 2, and All Cardio Hi-Low Knockout. I also own several yoga DVD's by various instructors.
- My Fitness Goals
- To build strength (mostly upper body), to add shape and definition to my muscles, and to burn lots of calories.
- My Success Story
- In my late 30's (yes, I am well over 40) I was seeing a physical therapist for a back injury. She informed me that I was as fit as an 80 year old!! That day changed my life. I lost 15 lbs, and faithfully started working out. I am in the best shape of my life......thanks to Cathe and Weight Watchers.
- Occupation
- Registered Nurse