
I am new to Cathe but I Love her.... I have worked out with many different workout dvd's but I have
Nov 20, 1974 (Age: 49)
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
3months ago
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I was doing Power 90-P90X and went online to buy some, was on amazon and seen a review on a Cathe Dvd and thought I would try it.... I did and have been hooked since then..... It is an addiction....
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
I love doing Cathe because no matter what dvd I do I always feel like I have gotten a Great Workout***** I never did step before and I love it... I love lifting and hope to start really seeing results.....
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
I have all the Power 90's. P90X & P90X plus, Slim in 6 &. Slim series. 10 min solutions, Denise Austin, Taebo...ect.....
My Fitness Goals
I have lost some weights and I would Love to lose about 6 more lbs. I want to be physically and mentally fit. I would like to have the muscle arms and legs..... I would like to be all around Fit.....
My Success Story
I never use to workout... I am now addicted. I work out 6 days a week. I started running and never thought I could do it and just Ran my first 5k race. I love to work out with Cathe and this is now a life style change........