Lynn M.

Fitness ( of course)
Apr 13, 1967 (Age: 57)
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
Found a video at the grocery store
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
They are challenging but fun.
Where I work out most often
Both Home & Gym
Other Workout DVDs that I own
P90x, Gin Miller
My Fitness Goals
Lose 10 lbs
Bench press my weight in 3 sets of 8
Get my ACE certification
Long term: Do something fitness related as my profession
My Success Story
I was always the chubby kid growing up. In High school I discovered "aerobics ala Jane Fonda" and that is where my official journey began. When I discovered Cathe back in the 90's it took my fitness program to a whole new level. I am now 30 lbs lighter than I was when I was 17 and look and feel better at 41 than I did then.
Sales Rep for a Food Company


