
Riding horses, my exotic birds, reading, playing board games, working out with home videos, writing
May 25, 1954 (Age: 70)
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
I started doing Cathe Workouts some where in the mid 90's
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I ordered my first workouts through Collage Video.
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
I used to run but got really bored with it. I started using Cathe because I could get the intensity of running and it was fun!
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
All of The Firm workouts
All of the Fitprime workouts
All of Traci Long training
Some Gin Miller, Tai Bo, Rebounder workouts
My Fitness Goals
I would like to be in good physical condition. Since I'm in my 50's, I would like to maintain muscle mass, reduce bone loss, and strenthen my heart through cardio. I workout for reasons other than appearance, although it is a nice result.
My Success Story
I'm not sure how successful I am. I started working out in the 80's. I belonged to a gym back then but it was not convenient for me. I got the first Firm workout when it first came out and that started me on the home video journey that I have been doing ever since. Some years I get lazy and stop working out but then the weight piles on, the enegy drops and the bone density decreases. When I was diagnosed with osteopenia, I started on the fitness schedule again, starting with my Cathe workouts. My last bone scan showed that my bone density increased by 3%! (Thanks to the weight bearing excersise)
Third Grade teacher