
exercising (of course!)
cats (showing, breeding)
learning new things
Feb 14, 1966 (Age: 58)
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
middle of May 08
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I bought a Basic Step to add to my cardio and it came with a Basic Step Cathe dvd and the rest is history!
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
She keeps me motivated. She has a great personality, around the same age is me, looks awesome!
She's just a lot of fun
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
Most of the Turbo Jam series
My Fitness Goals
to tighten and tone everything up, get down to 16% fat and my guess would be to lose another 10lbs
My Success Story
Well I'm still a work in progress, but since January 08 I have lost 17 or 18 pounds. I've increased my lean muscle and have begun to reshape my body.
Office Manager


