When I began doing Cathe Workouts
about '05
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I may have been looking at but I can't exactly remember.
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
She's the real deal.
Where I work out most often
Both Home & Gym
Other Workout DVDs that I own
I'm a Beachbody junky and COACH. Started with P90, Slim in 6, Slim Series, Power Half Hour, P90 Master Series, P90X, Turbo Jam, Yoga Booty Ballet, P90X+, Hip Hop Abs, 10 Minute Trainer, ChaLean Extreme, INSANITY- what else? um.... Billy Blanks, The Gunnar Peterson Ball ones, what are they called???? Jillian Michaels stuff, Keli Roberts, Patrick Goudeau, Urban Rebounding, Zumba, Barry's Bootcamp
My Fitness Goals
To maintain an active healthy lifestyle and to teach my children the same.
My Success Story
After the birth of my 2nd child, I pulled out my dusty P90 VHS videos(from
2001) and began my fitness
journey in March '04. Well, due to nursing my son every 2 hours, I was a bit
top heavy and the high impact
cardio was too hard on my body. I tried another program- Slim in 6. I started the program a few times but never finished the
full 6 weeks. Finally, after
moving into my new home and putting on some weight, I decided to get
serious about my fitness! I started
with Slim in 6, then moved on to Slim Series, Power Half Hour, P90X, Turbo

Then I discovered Cathe's workouts- I started with Pyramid Upper/Lower and Bootcamp-Love these workouts and Cathe. As you can see above, I have quiet the workout video collection- I am addicted. I'm always looking for what's next and what is going to challenge me. Currently I'm doing Upper Pyramid-Monday, Butts & Guts- Tuesday, P90X+Upper Plus-Friday and Legs & Glutes-Saturdays--additionally I teach 10 fitness classes a we
Fitness Instructor/Presenter for Turbo Kick & Hip