
Reading, gardening, quilting, and of course working out!
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I purchased the small cheaper step back in 2001 and a VHS of Cathe's Cross Train Xpress All Step was in the box! I was hooked! My next purchase was the Cardio Hits DVD.
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
NOBODY can work you out like Cathe does! The workouts are fun effective and challenging. I also find her personality and cuing spot on to keep me moving without any annoying chatter to distract.
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
Some Tae Bo, SI6, Turbo Jam (yuck), Kathy Smith, The firm (older), Jillian Michaels, 90 Day Supreme and various other bad choices!
My Success Story
TBD. Just starting back in to taking care of myself again. I took too long of a hiatus because life got in the way. I would also like to get a handle on my diet-clearing out the processed foods because eating clean really makes me feel my best.