Fit In My Forties – by Drelynn

I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. There would be times when I would drop a few pounds, but they always came back. I got my first Cathe DVD, Timesaver, a few years and enjoyed it, but had a problem with consistency.

After losing my father in December 2007, I got even worse in terms of consoling myself with food and allowing depression to keep me from being active. By December 2008, I had ballooned to 211 pounds. My knees hurt, my back hurt and I was miserable. I decided enough was enough.

On January 3, I popped in my Timesaver DVD and did each segment a day. I couldn’t use the step at first because my joints were so weak, so I did the routines on the floor, did side lunges instead of jumping jacks and used no weight. It worked well for me since I was embarrassed to go to the gym because I was so out of shape.

Slowly my strength began to build and I was able to add weights and add some kicks or a jumping jack or two. By March, I had ordered the Low Impact Circuit and the Low Max DVDs. On Memorial Day, I ordered Muscle Max, Kick Max and Drill Max, slowly incorporating each into my routine. The workouts were tough, but Cathe would always say “We’re in this together.”

Today, I’m 175 pounds and I feel better than I ever have. I work out with Cathe at least five times a week, watch my food portion sizes and caloric intake. I still want to lose another 10-15 pounds, but I feel amazing! I can’t thank Cathe enough for creating a system that allowed me to work up to a great fitness level and bring down the numbers on the scale.

For anyone who thinks you can’t get fit in your 40s, think again. And then get going with Cathe!

10 Responses

  • Your story has encouraged me. You current weight is where I’m trying to get too…well, I want to get out of the 200’s first and that would be 34.5lbs away :(. I want to try her videos but I am a bit intimidated. I appreciate your sharing. What would you suggest I start with. I love lifting weights and hate cardio guess that’s why people are shocked at the amount of weight I carry cause I don’t look it in comparison. Thanks for sharing

  • I agree, Cathe has helped me be Fit my Forties as well. In fact, I’m in better shape than I’ve been in all my life! Thanks Cathe!

  • For added encouragement..keep up the good work. I have just about the entire library of cathes videos. I will be 40 this coming march and I feel better then I did when I was in my twenties. The only way you will continue to see success is to continue changing things up..dont get into the rut of doing the same thing over every day, your body will get used to that and stop progressing. Sounds like you are on the road to a much better lifestyle (and that is what fitness is..a lifestyle). I have lost 50lbs up to this point and have another 15 to go. Continue to persist and you wont fail.

  • Way to go, Drelynn! It’s hard but it’s worth it. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, know what I mean? One of my favorite Cathe phrases is, “Fight for it! You’re gonna win!” She says it with absolute confidence; I just love it. Keep on going, Drelynn – I can’t wait to see where you are in 6 months!!!

  • GREAT! JOB! This is very motivating, and your beginning is about where I am now. Except I’m trying to get back there before forty. Thanks for sharing your story, and encouraging others.

  • Great job! I am in my forties, too, so this is very motivating for me! 🙂 I am about your weight now and need to lose about 60 pounds. I have about 34 of Cathe’s dvd’s. Congratulations.

  • I lost my mom December 2007 and also put on a bunch of weight due to depression, I have NOW decided enough is enough and am doing cathe several times a week. I do GYM STYLE for strength. I bike to work for cardio and dance/other dvd’s when I feel like it, however I am ALMOST 40. I totally know what this achievement must feel for you in terms of feeling good about life again. Congratulations.

  • I am in my late 40’s and I did not know about Cathe unitl 2008. I have never felt better since I have started her workouts. The workouts can be tough but it pushed me to levels I did not know I had. I love the challenge of finishing a work out and saying I did it. Thanks Cathe for your drive and enthusiam!

  • Thanks to EVERYONE for so much encouragement and support. Since submitting this story I’m down another 7 pounds, and have added Bikram yoga to my routine. Maxine, if you hate cardio (like I did!), try Cathe’s Low Impact Circuit. The music is great, the moves are fun and easy, and before you know it, a whole hour has gone by. Good luck!

  • Way back in October 2009, your success story inspired me and gave me some direction, to start my own fitness journey, on occaision I look back at it, just to see how far I’ve come, and why I got started!

    thanks so much for sharing your story!