Ziploc Zip-n-Steam Bags


I've recently discovered Ziploc's Zip-n-Steam bags, and while I prefer to actually "cook", these bags are great at work when I want a nice side of veggies that didn't get re-heated in the microwave from last night's leftovers. One of my favorite veggies to steam are LBBT's (Little Bitty Baby Taters). Depending on how small they are, I will either cut them in half or in fourths, sprinkle a little Lawry's Garlic Salt on them, put 'em in the bag, and microwave for 2-4 minutes (again, depending on the size, and also on which microwave I'm using). I like mixing cauliflower with my taters, too. The flavors are a nice compliment to each other. I'll also steam broccoli, onions, peppers, and squash. It's a great way to boost your veggie intake!
I bet you all thought I was gonna say Ziploc Zip-n-Steam bags are carcinogenic or something, didn't you, after the whole aspartame debacle on "that other" thread. :7 :+ :p
Hi Catwoman!

You are hilarious!! That is exactly what I thought you were going to say. Thanks for making me smile. BTW, this sounds like a good way to prepare veggies. :)


>I bet you all thought I was gonna say Ziploc Zip-n-Steam bags
>are carcinogenic or something, didn't you, after the whole
>aspartame debacle on "that other" thread. :7 :+ :p
I do something similar - but I just use a bowl with a little plastic wrap. Cheaper and less into landfills. You can also get similar reusable bowls from ziploc and Rubbermaid and the like.
Do Ziploc and Rubbermaid make steaming reusable bowls? Or are you saying I can use their bowls with plastic wrap?

Just curious, cuz steamable reusable bowls sound like a great idea.
I heard a while back that you aren't supposed to re-use plastic bowls in the microwave. Something about the chemicals in the plastic breaking down as it's heated and then leaching into the food. What I heard said you should only re-use ceramic or glass (microwave-safe) in the micro. So, I give my Ziploc Zip-n-Steams one use and out they go.

But, I agree, I don't like the whole sittin'-in-the-landfill aspect.

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