Your Dog Slideshow Is So Cute!!!


Hi Cathe! I know this is really random at this time, but I just watched your slide show of the dogs that you trained on your website and I made so many awwws and ahhhs that people were starting to wonder what I was doing at my Job! Also I noticed that you have a new link to Success Stories, and I was wondering when that would be up? Nothing motivates me more than other people's success. I know i'm a little late on this, but also Congrats on your new baby on the way, and thanks for all you do!
I'm a big animal lover. I have 2 dogs and 4 cats (yes, borderline lunacy at my place).

I'm so impressed that Cathe trains service dogs, and I can see where the same skills required to be a good fitness instructor would translate into dog training.

There was a picture in the NYTimes yesterday of a man and his guide dog. The dog had led him down over 70 stories at WTC. What wonderful animals.

Thanks for doing this service Cathe.

Jane C

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