You and the Crew-


Cathe, was hoping that you would give us some information on what you did to get ready for the hardcore series, diet, exercise etc, like you did for the intensity series and also the crew's routines-especially Jai, who's body has really been transformed-I don't think I have ever seen you so toned-One more thing, I did Gym Style Legs yesterday and I am DEFINITELY THINKING OF YOU TODAY!!!- Take Care, Pam:7
I'm not Cathe, but I think if you check in the Behind the Scenes section of the website there's a section on the crew and they each say what they did to get ready for the shoot.
Hi Pam! Yes, that Leg workout creeps up on you, doesn't it?

Here are a couple of copy and pastes from the last month or so that I wrote which will answer this for you.

Hi Icklemoley! Thank you so much, how nice of you. You may notice a big difference if you are comparing my appearance to the last series we just filmed (Basic Step/Body Fusion) because I filmed that series while nursing "tennis elbow" (which I got from a day of bowling) and was not able to train heavy and/or do certain exercises with heavy weight for a few months.

So once hardcore was announced, I was ready and longing to train hard.

With many obligations on my plate, I had to budget my time wisely and be accountable to my workouts. That's when I decided to work with my trainer/friend to keep my focus. I set my goals of wanting to regain the muscle that had atrophied through the tennis elbow ordeal plus gain overall lean muscle mass. I also have been dealing with separated abdominals (diastisis recti) which I developed as a result of my pregnancies (but my cutie pies are so VERY worth it ) After getting clearance from the doctor that I could train my abs as hard as I wanted without causing further harm, I decided to go for it. Side Note: this separation can be surgically repaired but I have opted not to go that route since it is a very involved procedure.

So I worked out hard and heavy 4 days a week in addition to my classes. I also pushed extra hard on my weaknesses (mostly abs)squeezing in an extra workout for them per week.

4 weeks before filming I was more strict in my diet (no more finishing the kids peanut butter sandwiches and ate super clean. No sauces, low fats, low sodium, low sugar etc. But since we filmed and rehearsed so much, I could occasionally slip in some sinful treats to keep a smile on my face, ha. I also increased my protein quite a bit since I was lifting so heavy. After every lift, I would have an ISOPURE protein supplement.

Hi FK! Thank you, it was a lot of focus and consistency. Many times when I am busy choreographing it is hard for me to keep up with my workouts. This time I worked with my trainer/friend to keep me accountable to my workouts plus make me push out 3 more reps when I wanted to stop (but never told him that )

The muscle definition was simply a result of lifting heavy weights, doing some cardio, and eating a clean diet.

Perhaps the biggest difference in this series compared to the last(when we filmed our beginner to intermediate series) was the fact that I had not been able to lift heavy because of my tennis elbow injury.

And another overall big difference from the last few series is the fact that I had just had my second baby and the post-pregnancy hormones, those which hold body fat to produce breast milk, were still in my system.

The vidoe clothing was by KOS USA and by Oh My Bod.

Thanks and glad you are enjoying your new workouts.


As for the cast, I didn't post bio's because nobody really did any specific training to prepare for the Hardcores. Based on chats with them, they all lift on a pretty consistent basis throughout the year with a good mixture of intense cardio sessions and varied weight training sessions. So when its time to begin rehearsals, we gradually enhance our shapes even moreso due to the grueling schedule and pace.

Thanks for asking.
"So I worked out hard and heavy 4 days a week in addition to my classes. I also pushed extra hard on my weaknesses (mostly abs)squeezing in an extra workout for them per week."

If those abs are representative of a weakness, I pray for my abs to be that weak!!
Cathe, when you say you worked out hard and heavy 4 days per week, did you follow a set schedule for your body parts?


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