! ! ! ! ! Xers* * * * * * * *


Hi all,

It looks like I'm first again this morning. Traci where are you? I hope all is well and you enjoyed the bay. I'm going to catch up from yesterday and I'll be back.

Happy workout Monday to all.

Morning Tracy! Iim back - had a grand time and havent had even a minite to catch up on boards!
I shall return... Missed everyone very much... Storms heading in as I type so may have to shut down system while lightening is heavy but I shall return!

Today is Total Body Sculpt mix from Low Impact Circuit.

Got 2 of 4 new Kickboxes in mail so will be checking those out today as well!

Got in about 2 hours of workouts at bay - Will be cutting back cardio/circuits again as I've been famished for about 6 days... eating everything in sight - even clean can be overdone!

Me again,

Yesterday I ended up doing a light leg circuit with LIC and then some yoga later. THe ttom workout blahhss... are in full swing and I just made too many excuses for not riding my bike. I decided that I probably shouldn't go and didn't, wishing all afternoon that I had gone. Damn hormones!

Steph - You are so close. That's great that your son participates at such a young age. As long as he has fun, that is all that matters. We live about 2 miles from the Potomac River, which is beautiful in this area. Where I run/walk is a conservation area with really old trees and multiple trails. Its great because we live fairly close to the city.

Lea - How was the shower? Was it nice to have a day to yourself? I always missed my kids, even though it was good to have some time without them. Your core should be really toned by the end of the week. Maybe without the painting the elbow thing will be gone as fast as it came.

Sandra - There is no way I could be in the kitchen that long and not snack. Can't you get some of the lunch stuff ready earlier in the day or is it all perishable? What about preparing parts of the dinner earlier in the day? When I had small kids I always found those hours to be the most trying. I try to pack the non-perishable stuff and then throw the sammy in that morning. I also try to clean up as I go so that I don't have to spend a lot of time after dinner cleaning up. I always have a bite or two when I do clean up, more wasted calories. It all boils down to breaking the patterns of behavior that you have established and learning replacement behaviors. What about herbal tea? That doesn't do it for me. I push the caffeine until about 7 then that's it for me. I'm sure that you will figure out something. The first step is realizing where the problem is. I haven't done B&G as produced, but love the leg blast premix. Glad your dinner satified your hunger.

Jeanette - Your bike ride sounds wonderful and that milage and time is impressive. I wish I lived somewhere that lended itself more easily to bike riding. I ended up not going. On a nice day like yesterday, it would have been very crowded almost to the point of dangerous on a road bike. I'm planning to go one afternoon this week if the weather holds up. You are right about ARX. It is effective. I think I'm going to pull it out for a few weeks.

Debra - Congratulations on the pike. I think that they are extremely effective. Sounds like DD got lots of toys and stuff to keep her busy for a while!

Traci - Looking forward to hearing from you.

~~~~~~~~~ Personals ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Steph: Congrats on being the early bird Saturday poster! What a feeling of accomplishment I’m sure! :7 You are doing so well in your home stretch! Are you more determined than ever to just push play? Glad your fall on Thur wasn’t too bad- I’m impressed with just 1 tumble! Hope you got all caught up on your sleep! JUST 3 DAYS LEFT!!!! :7 Are you planning on doing the X Recovery week at this point? How wonderful about your moms interest in building some muscle! What a great role model you are for her!!

LEAX: So sorry the elbow is still sensitive! Now you officially have an upper & lower injury… At least you can still work abs to fatigue! How about an ARX, MM, KPC Ab Marathon?:7 Ouch on teeth! Popping lots of ibupropin these days? What a cool thng to do… stay up and actually TALK with DH! My gosh I’d be thrilled if mine actually had the energy at night for talk time… He is so wonderful in all ways except this one. He just works so darn early that by 7pm he is in la la land. Congrats on being an Auntie!!! :7 I love my nieces & nephews like they were my own. My eldest niece is now 25 and I actually raised her for two years while my sister got some “stuff” out of her system in the early years. I was only 18 myself but was always the stable child when I had to be. I would not ever give back those moments – my niece and I are more like sisters than my real ones.

SANDRAX: WOW- doing a 74 minute yoga sounds like a wonderful workout for you ! I am in awe of all you yoga lovers and am continuing to positively affirm my love for it in hopes that will turn into a true love affair! On the DoctorSandraX…. Now I feel like a schmuck for showing such disrespect for you & Tracy all the months! :7 I really would have been much more consistent with my bows! Lol!!! 11 years? Were you a mere child when you got your masters? I know people your age that are still working on it! You shall make a FINE DR! Can I have a business card when you are official? You’ll be my smartest friend on earth at that point! :7 I have HSCh on the menu for Wed this week… Looking forward to it immensely! Thanks for PP info… you used the motivational word of the day…CREATIVELY! I think that’s an issue I still have to overcome is similar moves from Cathe in all strength except GS. Happy you are feeling better… hormone hell is not easy nor fun but I’d never call you a gloomy gus! Funny about the time change… When we lose an hour I don’t even notice! When we gain an hour I am in a fog… ????? Congrats to you as well on the pull ups! PROGRESS!!!!! I am feeling your pudginess… too many calories I think and not enough heavy weight work the past two weeks. I have this week and next to shift things around and then a recovery week before XX. Happy day with B&G eh? Nice to actually feel the workout the next day I say!

TRACYX: Congrats on all the chin/pull ups!:7 Looks like your plan to continue to gain strength is succeeding! I commend you for your focus and actually knowing what it is you want to accomplish! Thanks for posting the chest & back! WOW – no wonder you are still seeing gains! OH MY on the sore back! Isnt back pain just so annoying? Seems like moving hurts, sitting hurts… no relief. Hope you are all better this morning! Nice job not letting the ttom blahs keep you from yesterdays workout! Light legs & Yoga were probably just about all you needed. I used to push like a mad woman during ttom… I finally realized that my body responds better and releases the hormones easier when I keep it lite… more like a recovery week.

JeanetteX: What a glorious Saturday morning you had!:7 I envy those with strong family ties… I know I am a better daughter living so far away as I can stay clear of the daily dysfunction but boy its tough when I go back home to visit. WOW on the Sunday ride! Sounds perfectly heavenly! Your next few weeks of cycling sounds absolutely tiring to me! You are one strong lady!

DEBRAX: Quite a marathon workout Saturday woman! ^^5 and being so diligent. Oh cant wait to read Sundays post about the birthday party! How fun!!!! An actual PIKE??? OMG! :7 I have learned to just stay on the floor for those or risk breaking my neck! The last one I tried I pulled my back so far out of whack that I made an executive decision that Pikes were not necessarily a sign of core strength for me! I BOW BEFORE YOU PIKE WOMAN! Oh Deb- A thank you from a 6 yr old? Brought tears to my eyes!!! What a sweetie you are raising. YIPPEE on Tuesdays vacation! We cant NOT hear from you!!!! How long will this trip be?

Well I think I am all caught up on your busy lives!!! I sure do miss you guys on weekends… We are suppose to stay in town for a BBQ on Saturday so I am actually a happy camper. I need to feel grounded with my friends and weekends are the only available time to do so… DH is not Mr Social either so he’d be a hermit except for work if he had his way…

Great morning to all!!!!
Good morning ladies,

Today was Slim Series Shape It Up, but only for 60 minutes. It normally runs I think something like 78 minutes. I'm going to tack on part of Tracey Staehle's Core Conditioning tonite and help DH as his back is better now. Think he learned his lesson re: Bowflex crunches the wrong way. Have grocery shopping to do after work too. Will be a busy day at work I think.

Traci, hope the storms aren't too bad for you today. We certainly don't need lightning and thunder, so dry this year. Let us know about the new kickboxing workouts, okay? So DH didn't buy powdered donuts this weekend? LOL! The next couple weeks aren't too bad as the mileage is fairly short, but the climbing is where my body has to adjust back to where it was last year. My lower back gets tight and fatigued at the start of the year. Seems everyone goes thru that. I did some supermans on the ball the other day and will try some of those tonite, hoping to strengthen those muscles a little more.

Tracy, sorry about the blahs with TTOM. Guess I'm lucky that way in that TTOM doesn't bother me too much, but I do get the blahs a few days before I start. I've ridden on bike paths with lots of people so know what you are talking about, dangerous and all.

Hope everyone has a good Monday today.

Good morning gals. I am a little short on time, so I have to make this very brief. Hopefully I can come back later and do personals.

Yesterday was very nice with the shower. It was in the 90's, so I had the roof top open on the car with the windows open, blaring my rock music. I felt like a teenager again. It was fun. There is a major fire out here and a lot of houses got evacuated. One of my mom's friends was evacuated so I am hoping for the best for them.

My arm is still hurting so I might call my chiropractor and have him give it a shot. Maybe the knee too. I can't stand not working out. I feel fat and frumpy.

I have a busy busy day today. Tomorrow is my DH's birthday, so I have to get to the store to get a gift. I have to pick up the house, which will take me forever because you know having the dad watch the kids for the weekend turns out to be fun for the kids, disaster for the house. My DS #1 has a major homework project due tomorrow that we put off until the last minute (procrastination, procrastinaation is making me wait {in the tune of Anticipation} ). And then it will be close to 100 degrees out here today, so the kids need to go swimming. So, as you can see, a very busy mom today.

I wish everyone a joyous day and I will definately do personals tomorrow if I don't get around to it today.

Hi again! Happy to report My LIC Total Body Sculpt is completed.. WOW- I love this premix! I had never done LIC in full (only the cardio premixes) so this was a new weighted experience. LOVE the use of bands, db, bb. Awesome ab segment as well! Good job Cathe!

JeanetteX: Great job with sticking with you SS Plan… I just get so bored doing them – like you said they all kinda seem the same. I have been watching the news about all the CA fires again this year… I keep hoping you and Lea are safe. How did I know you or SandraX would bring up the donuts??? You noticed my blaring omission this morning? So the weekend was a combo of powdered mini’s + Chips ahoy……URRRRRRRRRR

LEAX: Whats up with this busy real life taking time away from the Xers???? Oh I love the car visual! I so miss my sports car days… some how opening my sunroof on the Saturn SUV just isn’t the same! Lolololol Get to that chiropractor! You are too busy to be held back by all this crazy stuff.. Go get fixed girl! Happy Bday to DH!!!

Gotta go get my plan of the day – rain has stopped until afternoon so must force myself to be productive!
Hello Xers,

Don't have much time today, very busy.

I will be doing SH Back & Biceps plus Barry's Bootcamp cardio from the Shoulder and Back workout.

BBL Hopefully!

Hi everyone!

Wow. Clarity. I just took a laaaazy nap, and finally feel normal again. This weekend just wore me out. I got a great sleep last night, but it just wasn't long enough. I was stiff and fatigued in the lower body from HSC and BG on the weekend. My plans to do KickMax this morning got canned in favour of Step Blast. I haven't done SB in full in about 4 months. I love that workout. Fun, fun, fun. And it starts off at a decently low intensity, until by the end of it you find yourself working pretty hard. It was perfect for today. I tacked on Shiva's 15 min forward bends & twists section, but I wasn't happy with it. I couldn't relax into the poses. Maybe that section is just better as part of a yoga session, rather than as an added stretch after a cardio workout. I dragged my derriere all morning, until I was finally able to put DD down for her nap. I gravitated towards the couch like a homing pigeon, snuggled down into the blankets and pillows, and luxiouriously said goodbye to the world for a nice hour. Ahhhhh. Life is good when you aren't sleep deprived. And my muscles feel better.

TraciX - LIC Total Body Sculpt is really good, hey? I'm surprised to hear you say that. I thought you would feel the need to tack on something from at least 3 other workouts. I had mini-doughnuts on the weekend, too. We went to the local farmer's market on Saturday afternoon and they fry them fresh. My plan, as always, was to only eat one or two, but you know how that goes. Have the storms blown over yet? We just had an unpredicted snowstorm blow through this morning. March weather is so volatile. I'm not sure I saw you bow today. Please repeat. ;) TracyX is already your smartest friend on earth. I'm just vying for second place. I don't know how you cannot be affected by the spring time change, but then, you're Traci, so I shouldn't be surprised that you would get it backwards LOL. The nicest thing about it, though, is that dinner time comes earlier!

TracyX - Damn hormones! I can get very indecisive at ttom too. It's frustrating. You appear to have found an agreeable use for LIC? Did you do Cathe's premix, or make up your own? Your nibble-prevention suggestions are all excellent. I will try to start packing lunches in the afternoons, perhaps. I definitely need to get away from the kitchen as soon as dinner is finished.

JeanetteX - Your day was blissful, wasn't it? I'm very envious. I just read an article yesterday about the cycling/coffee culture. It was very interesting to see that you all ended up at Starbucks - it's apparently the reason most people ride! Here's a hint: Starbucks serves coffee to anyone who shows up at their door, no helmut required. To strengthen your lower back, maybe you should be doing the versions of superman that have you lifting your legs, rather than your upper body? I'm thinking of what Cathe does with the step in GS BSB, and on the ball in a few of her workouts. I think the newest workouts do a number of glute squeezes on the ball; those might be good, too. Just an idea. My Mom and Grandmother do projects "together" the same way you and your Mom do. That's funny!

DebraX - She's going to be 6! That's my DD#1's age (6 AND A HALF!! she will tell you!). It's a great age, I agree. They become so grown up this year, but they're still as sweet as honey. I'm speaking from plenty of experience when I say that having a university degree does not help open those dang packages. Good luck!

LeaX - are you unable to do any kind of workout? I'd go bonkers. Driving with the top down (of the car!), the music blaring, and no kids in the back?? Oooooooh good times!! Good luck with your busy day!

Laurie - hello! Nice to see you! I'm doing the SH series this week too. I'm already dreading the slow pace and the time-hogginess of it all. But it works so well!

Have a great day,
Hi ladies...Just wanted to pop on and say hi...Things are busy here trying to clean up the birthday mess and get everything ready to be gone for a week.....and then when I get home DH comes in the next day from Russia..And then we are all going to visit some friends in Minnesota for the weekend...My month of March is just crazy!

Sorry...no time for personals today...May be back this evening to visit and chat a bit...I should be checking in this week...assuming I can get a wireless connection at my mom's house....She doesn't even own a computer...in fact...she still writes checks and refuses to use a debit card.

Gotta go and clean up dog and cat mess...do the dishes....fold some laundry and get another load on....begin packing...then DD to dance lessons...I am hoping to get a workout in sometime today...but it's not looking like that is going to happen right now!

Later gators!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Hi Xers,

I scanned the posts a couple of times today and looks like everyone is doing fine. Well, except Lea, your core should be like steel after this week! I'll catch up on personals tomorrow.

I ended up doing a plyo run today because I won't have the truck to haul the dogs in tomorrow. It turned out to be a great workout. My legs were cooked by the end. They felt like jelly. It is so much harder than step aerobics. I think that it is really helping to tone up my butt! Then I did ME abs and that's it. I didn't feel that good to start out with, but ended up feeling like I got a good workout. There is such a fine line between listening to your body and pushing yourself. Another thing I learned from the X.

I hope everyone has wonderful evenings and I'm off to watch the trashy, but entertaining wife swap! I'm not sure they can top the raw meat eaters who were bracing for the apocalypse, but who knows?

Hi girlies! I just sat down for the first time today...and it's 9:30...I think the time change is wrecking havoc with me! Wouldn't this normally be 8:30? And let me just add that through all of this I have not gotten in my workout! Okay...enough...Just wanted to drop by and say hi. I will try to get a workout in tomorrow...but I have a car picking us up to take us to the airport at 11:00am and I still haven't packed yet...so I am not holding out much hope unless I am like Traci and wake up at the crack of dawn! And as you guys know...I am not a morning person! Okay...I am going to try and relax for a bit so I can get some sleep tonight...unless my DD is up as late as she was last night...She didn't get to sleep until after midnight! I never have that problem with her...she went to bed on time...and seemed tired, but when I went to check on her when I went to bed, she was still up...and then she came in my room after midnight to say she was still awake! Of course, she was beat today! I am hoping she sleeps tonight. Okay...I am really going now...Hopefully, I will have time to check by in the morning. Have a great evening...and if I don't see you guys in the morning...I will be by later this week.

I'm going to miss you guys!! Take care...and have great workouts!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Good evening,

Had a busy day at work, also did some grocery shopping afterwards, a little housework, Ab Jam and now here I am.

Lea, what kind of shot would a chiropractor give you? Don't remember what the actual injury was, just that you did it while snowboarding. Also, where do you live that it's 100 degrees? It was 75 here and just beautiful. Should be in the 70's all week. So it's your DH's birthday? My, there sure have been lots of parties lately. My sister has a birthday this coming Sunday. It'll be in the evening so I can still get my bike ride in. Clever of me to help in the planning so I could set the time to work out for me, huh? I am the world's worse procrastinator. Haven't even filed our taxes yet. Now I see where you wrote about the fire, must be southern California?

Traci, I wondered about the donuts, but just figured that your DH had remained strong, no matter what you promised him }(. Guess he's only human and a man to boot. They really are the weaker sex in my book LOL! I've only done LIC a few times I think, but will have to get to them sometime. How are your kickboxing DVD's?

Laurie, how is Barry's Bootcamp? Hope your day was a good one.

Sandra, I find as I get a bit older that Monday's are harder than they used to be and naps are a good thing. Today, I was just to busy at work to be tired. I really like Step Blast too. Seems like ages since I've done any of the Cathe step stuff, but tomorrow I will be doing either Lowmax or Imax2. Guess I did do an Imax1 a while back. LOL about no helmet required for Starbucks! It was just sooo nice sitting outside with my cycling buds. I didn't have a coffee or anything actually, as Mom and I had something the day before. I try to only have one a week at the most and then I usually have a non-fat chai latte. I did some leg raises off the ball (on my stomach) and some supermans too after my Ab Jam session tonite. Hoping they will help with the long climbs on the bike.

Debra, you are making me tired just reading about all that you have to do today. You are superwoman and will get it all done I'm sure. What does your DH do in Russia, or can you tell us? Please check in when you can.

Tracy, glad your Plyo workout was good. I think I'm getting flabby already and need to do some Plyos. Maybe next week. I still need to get some more fun workouts in this week. Haven't gotten it out of my system yet. I'm doing Slim Series and we all know how boring those are so the cardio inbetween them I'd like to have some fun with.

Got to start heading to bed, good night.


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