Xers.......Working on Wednesday!

Nicole: love your rotation :) NIce

Quick check in because me tired :+ just finished KPC ub drill and Strike Zone paddle leg work :)Me stink stink going to take a hot bubble bath. Have a wonderful evening :7
Tee, Hee!! DH only wanted pancakes for dinner....he's not been feeling well the past couple of days, and I know he needs protein, so I snuck in 40g of Protein powder into the pancake mix...plus 1T of flax seed and he never knew it!!!!
Hi all,

I resisted temptation and didn't run this afternoon. Thanks for all of the comments. It was so pretty here today. I ended up doing the butt/leg workout and 40 minutes of yoga.

I didn't have any energy today and I'm sure it was from eating that stupid oatmeal for dinner.

Amy - I can't pass off healthy stuff without anyone making a comment. Does the protein powder cook OK?

I'm feeling the carb bloat, so back to minimal carbs. I must admit the pizza was good last night and I did eat a couple of bites. I completely resisted the WW hamburger buns that I made tonight:)

Nicole - I hope all went well with the surgery. I would think that it will be a while before they can really tell if his cognitive function is in tact.

Grady's surgery is finished and all went well! He is in recovery and doing fine. We will know better tomorrow after the anesthesia wears off how he's feeling. Thanks for all the prayers, they worked:)


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.


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