Xers.....Tres bien Thursday......

Good evening ladies,
What a day today. Well, the meeting that I thought I needed to be at ended abruptly for me as I had a terrible coughing fit and couldn't even stay in the building. One of those, I tell you. Got back and chugged down some cough syrup that made me feel like I was on drugs, and I usually don't react to medication adversely. You know how your voice sounds like it's coming from a distance when you talk? And your head is kind of buzzy? Yep, that was me. It was kind of fun as long as I kept my door closed and I didn't have to talk to anyone. Finally wore off during my 2nd meeting of the day. I'd love to not go in to work tomorrow, but the Warden's pet project needs some attention. Retreat, I am soooo ready, except not with this cold of course.

On to personals:

Laurie, don't you just love required training? All of us ancillary staff here at the prison have to endure "Use of Force" training each year, geared mostly to officers using weapons on inmates and the proper amount of force to use. What a waste of time for us. Hope you got a seat in the back where you could just...rest...your...eyes... So you've never shot guns? I like it but could care less about hunting. I just like plinking and seeing if I can hit a target, be it a rock or clay pigeon or can. LOL about your GM locking the door! What a hoot!

Debra, please take pictures of the zebra cake, please, oh please! I'd love to see them. Now I can't go by the Safeway bakery without thinking of Sandra and her beautiful cakes. I cycle for performance on the bike (plus I enjoy the experience), but I work out partially for the health of it, but a lot for the vanity of it too. Maybe more for the vanity factor. Probably why I'm not pushing myself as much, as I feel like I just don't care quite so much as I used to. I'm relaaaaaxxxxingggg more. But, I'm not at ease with the jiggle and pudge either. Funny how one's mindset changes. If you hate fuzzy feeling, you would have really despised my fuzziness today. I probably should have gone home, but didn't really want to drive. Tillie is in her little "nest" right now. It's an afghan on a loveseat that we drape over a couple of pillows on each side, so she's all snuggly. She has to have her toys with her in the "nest". She's a turd. Let's do a trade. How about you give me your bulging calves and I give you my... hmmmm...let me see, on 2nd thought, I don't think I have anything that you'd want. I think my body's prime was age 10. Where did you go for din din? Girl, you must have a good metabolism because I'd have gained 20 pounds already with all the eating out that you do. I'm just jealous.

Sandra, glad you got thru your workout today. Yes, Amy's step workout looks fairly easy, but they all are when I'm lying on my side on the couch, eyes drooping, snug in an afghan...zzzzzzz..... Next thing you know, it's the credits playing. Yep, very doable LOL!

Latrese, good job on KPC. What is SE?

Traci, do you still have the grasshopper you silly nut? Now you better not have cried when you saw it on the conveyor belt or those grocery people will think you are off your rocker for good this time!!! Kind of like the movie O Brother Where Art Thou, when "X" (can't remember his name) thinks that the frog is his friend that was turned into a frog. Loved George Clooney in that one too! Poor, poor Wendell and his teeth! OMG! Hope you have insurance for all that. Heck it's cheaper for brain surgery for crying out loud. I'm always telling my dentist that of course he doesn't want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs by pulling a tooth. No more money in that tooth. My Grandma wanted all her lower teeth redone, but the closest dentist (with her insurance) was over 2 hours away and it's going to be just too hard on her. We're not mentioning the dental work at all.

Christiane, wow on the speed of your BMW! Remind me not to drive in Europe. I'm also a terrible passenger. Debra, see what you have to look forward to? Awesome, awesome results for you with the X!!! Way to go and way to go on keeping it together with all of the obstacles!!! I'm so impressed with you! Has your DD heard anything yet on the job offer? I think I'm one of the few that AbX didn't hurt my back.

Wendy, LOL about the nail polishing! Glad you found the Christmas card from Traci and the insurance check. Maybe a new espresso machine? We had a potluck at work today. Yes, I ate a small piece of CC. And an enchilada and some chips. Didn't go as hog wild as I usually do due to this cold. Oh no, poor Phil just wasn't in the mood for hot yoga tonite. Maybe he'd rather play mechanic? A snowball's chance you say? LOL! There was power and hot going on all right, and it wasn't in the yoga studio either. Oh, all will be well soon. Wonder if he knew you were writing to us on your Blackberry?

Well, must go medicate up a bit before bed. My head is tthhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssss big. Yuk.


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