Xers.....Super Bowl Sunday.......

Hi all you lady Xers,
Had a nice day today. For my workout I did ME upper body only. After that, I got out just my step (no risers) and walked thru a couple combos of Christi Taylor's Still Steppin' (the vertical step workout). Learning vertical step is definitely tougher than horizontal as it's much harder to mirror. Anyway, I did a little of that before my brain was tired. Did my housework, took a little nap, did a little reading, watched a little football. Had Garage Boys spin session tonite. The guy who's garage we use had shoulder surgery on Friday so we shoveled his driveway before we started spinning. Little bit of cross training. Felt good to do that for him as he gives up his garage for all of our bikes and trainers.

Christiane, sorry about your DD's issues, but that's wonderful that you have a close relationship with your DD. Enjoy your recovery week. That Core Syn is something, isn't it? I never knew what "prison pushups" were and I work at one, until Core Syn. Now I occasionally see inmates doing those. Must be nice to do Yoga with your DH. That would be waaaay out of my DH's comfort zone. Hope I can sleep okay tonite. Just got back from the spin session and sometimes it's hard for me to relax after exerting like that. I'm tempted to have a cup of coffee too, but it's 8:41 right now. Too close to bedtime. Bet you surprised your DH with your strength in CS. Hope he complimented you. It's nice to hear.

Tracy, sorry you lost your post. Happens to everyone, but it seems like it always happens when you've typed a long post. Bummer. I'll be starting my leg rotation tomorrow. It is S&H Legs with Coremax Segment 2. I'm really excited about it, which is weird for me and working legs. Your story about your DH and the old truck sounds too, too familiar. My BIL is so sentimental about all his old vehicles. He wants to own all the cars he owned as a teenager and sold off. He really is connected to them and I guess they must remind him of the past.

Traci, how were the Hooter Hot Wings? Mmmm, those do sound yummy. We didn't have any treats here at all, except DH bought a bag of kettle chips. I had about a handful and that was it. I must be odd because I hardly ever get DOMS. I feel the burn during a workout, but rarely feel sore later or the next day. One that comes to mind is the first time I did Butts & Guts. That one made me sore for a few days. Maybe I'm not pushing myself enough? Hope TTOM is gone soon. I usually have 23-24 days inbetween periods. Nice that Wendell is doing better and thinking about preventive stuff too. I wish more people would think ahead and try to head off illnesses or conditions. My Dad is an example, having more health problems, but just has never been interested in exercising or really watching his weight. It's like they think "que sera, sera" (wrong spelling). Thanks for the link for the Visiting Angels. I responded and filled out a form online. We'll see if they have services for this area.

Debra, glad you are feeling better. Oh, you reminded me that I didn't get around to mopping today. Oh well, "que sera sera". Hope TTOM doesn't dilly dally for you either. I so dislike the puffiness and soreness right before I start. Why do we have to still go thru this stuff? I'm almost 50 for crying out loud! Yep, CBL is a keeper. I remember having way too much to drink at a party many years ago. My loving DH took good care of me, made me some soup, cleaned up after me. 28 years later, he'd still do it.

Kim, so sorry your cute DS is still sick. Hopefully he'll bounce back to his old self soon. I didn't get the extra 15 minutes of spinning in. The DVD was 56 minutes long, so when it was done, the other 2 guys were done too. We had shoveled the driveway so think that counted for 15 minutes :7 . I'm not sure what services Grandma can get, but I'm thinking that it will either cost her out of pocket or her insurance may cover it. My sister is checking into the local resources here in the area. I have most all of the CC's, except for the latest one. I like #1 and #5 too. #4 if I remember right, was one of the harder ones for me for some reason. #2 revised is good too. Good job on setting up your picture trail. Your kids are soooo cute!

Well, better finish reading on the forums, then get to reading my fantasy book. If it doesn't start picking up, I'm going to have to go borrow one of Grandma's steamy novels.


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