

Hi all,

I guess I'm carrying the torch for Traci. It's Sunday and I was up at 5:30. I thought that the clock said 6;30, but after I put in my contacts realized that it was only 5:30. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't the dogs were making too much noise.

**********Classic /phase 3/ week 5/ day 7*********************

Stretch x is on the schedule, but I think that I'm doing 30 minutes of cardio and then the leg blast premix from L&G.

Debra - I went overboard, but I am just sick of everything that I have. I was hoping that Cathe's new stuff would fill the gap, but I've been doing Cathe for 20+ and to be honest it's just too much of the same for me. So, I bought Step Tools, Dance Step 3, Symetrical Step, one of the stomps, and Cardio Stack, Core Attack. The core one has plyo type intervals and then core intervals for 38 minutes then straight core for 20. I thought that it might be a nice sub for core syn. It looks like it has some unique moves and as I've learned from p90x you just can't keep doing the same moves over and over. If you are interested in complex choreography, deep discount dvd has Pam Cosmi Step'in Rythymes for $11. I love that workout. It is lower impact and is great as is or you can add a few jumps to the first couple of segments.


LEAN/Phase 2/Week 7/Day 5

Today will be Legs and Back, one that has a huge dread factor for me, mainly because I hate pull-ups. I'm still trying to figure out how to do assisted pull-ups and really feel it in my back. My DS is wanting to start P90X (he's 14) to stay in shape fo sports. He did Core Syn. last night, and he was exhausted! He says he hates the lunge/kick back/curl/press exercise. (I really like that one!) However, he did say that in his summer weight lifting program, they do modified versions of a several of Tony's moves.

Tracy - How cool to get all those new workouts! I'll bet you're excited to get started on them! I LOVE getting new workouts! Previewing new workouts is one of my favorite pasttimes. I've been looking around, too, at what other workouts I'd like to buy when this is over. I would really just like to buy another complete program by Tony. It's so nice because everything's laid out for you and you just pop in the day's workout and there you go. Once this is over, I'm going to be floundering around, trying to figure out how to duplicate these results. You're right, though, you do have to keep doing different moves to keep your body guessing. I thought about getting the Turbo Jam Kick, Punch, and Jam to sub for the KenpoX. I don't know about it, though, because I can't preview it.
Let us know how they are.

Well, happy Sunday to all those that follow and have wonderful workouts! I'm sure I'll BBL!

>**********Classic /phase 3/ week 5/ day

HOLD THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!! Tracy, are you saying that you are on DAY NINETY!?!? Is this your very last day of P90X?!?!

You're right, Sandra! Tracy, I knew you were close, but I guess I didn't realize that after today, you are a P90X grad! (applause, applause, applause) Way to go, and Congratulations! What a great feeling!

Tracy - I had no idea either. I thought that you had one more week to go!! Yippee girl. Way to go. Let's all celebrate. It is a great feeling to be able to finish with all of that intensity going on.
Great big {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}.


Woo Hoo Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You must be so excited to have completed this series!!! Did you take your stats at the beginning? I would be curious to know how things have truned out for you. I am just so pleased that you are finishing! I almost feel like I am graduating with you, but alas, I still have 5 weeks to go! I will look over the vids you ordered and see if I can find any I can do, too. I looked on that site last night and a lot of the moves are very complex...I am such a goof ball, it would take me years to learn some of them! I did see a few that I thought I could do.

Steph...Good luck with legs and back today....I'm with you, I really like the leg portion and I struggle through the back portion. I still cannot do one unassited pull up....but I try!!

Hi to Lea, Sandra, Traci, X, DB, Deb, Laurie, Jeanette and whoever else I missed.

I am supposed to do PlyoX today, but I am going to sub Imax. I just don't enjoy the plyo routine of Tony's...I feel there are a lot of boy moves and moves taken from different sports...which is great if you are an athlete, but I am not....Never have been. I don't feel like I get the full benefit of the plyo from Tony because I am just not good at the moves he does. I like the plyo moves in Cathe so much better. I ended up doing S&A yesterday which I enjoyed. I did not do abs...so I will probably do ARX before Imax this morning.

Happy day to all...And I just have to say again...



Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
HOLD the applause, I was wrong, I still have that damn recovery week. Maybe it was a subconscious error on my part, typing in 5 instead of 4. Wishful thinking I guess.

But thanks for the early congratulations. I'll persevere until the end, then I'll be a grad. No stopping me now. If there is one thing I got from getting my dr its perseverance.

After all of the complaining I've been doing about circuits, I should have clarified because I love all leg circuits. I did end up doing HST WU and cardio leg premix and the leg circuit of BM1. It was a nice combination, my heartrate stayed up, and I felt good. I did most of ARX without the dvd, and added in a few other moves so that it wasn't so boring. I still will try to do some yoga tonight to stretch out my hips.

Off to clean, something I successfully avoided yesterday.

Tracy - That's all right. You have SUCCESSFULLY completed the hardcore intense weight and cardio weeks. So that is over. Now for something more enjoyable like core, yoga and stretching :).

Hello X'ers!

Well, Phase 3 is here tomorrow. I can't believe it. It's been interesting reading about what you all have to say about how often to do the X, as I've been contemplating that as well. When I first started it I thought "I must do this at least twice a year" and was stressing as to how to fit it in with cycling. But now after reading what you all have to say and after realizing that I do really miss the flexibility of having the choice to do Cathe workouts and my workout station (what do you call those things - it's on my picture trail?), I think once a year is perfect - right after cycling season ends. It's a great thing for me to do during the holidays. Keeps me in check. Who wants to work that hard during the holidays only to sabbotage it with crappy eating, right?

And Jeanette - guess what? I'M READY TO GET BACK ON THE BIKE! You said it would happen and it did! Could be my most recent issues of Bicycling magazine that I decided to read instead of push aside. They always used to excite me. Could be my new attitude of no meds just to keep up with the crazies (which now I'm rethinking AGAIN). I don't know. But I'm ready. The weather isn't ready, but I am. I'm going to put a new tire on my trainer bike since it has a big hole in it and it goes thump thump thump as I ride on the trainer and the tube won't hold air for more than 8 hours, so I'll change it too. But I'm actually excited. I thought last season burned me out for good. That had never happened to me and it really freaked me out. Maybe it was talking to my friend in Atlanta who just got her first Italian bike and rode 80 miles the other day and said it was glorious. She feels blessed to have the opportunity to "sneak" out while the kids are in school and get her training rides in. Maybe it was the excitement in her voice at being able to map out her husband's 20 mile route to work EACH WAY every day that he rides (and he's racing Cat 2 this year). I don't know. Anyway, I'm back! :)

Thanks to all of you for your continued discussion on what to do after P90X rotations. I will continue to read and learn from all of you wise ones. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hi all,

Stephanie – There are many ways to do unassisted pull-ups. It took me a while to figure out how to actually engage my back muscles; maybe because I didn’t have many. I tried to assist with the band, but that didn’t work for me. The farther in front of the bar you put your chair, or whatever you use, the harder. Then use one foot to assist instead of two, and also no assist on the negative, or briefly no assist at the top when you switch feet for one leg assists. I really think stronger biceps really helped me. Maybe if you start using no assist and try to get yourself up then gradually use one foot to assist as little as possible. Once you get the feel for it, it’s not as hard.

Debra – Here is my plug for plyox. I think that it has a wider variety of plyo moves than the IMAXs and therefore is a little more effective at really toning and engaging the entire leg. The lateral stuff is what really has helped to shape my legs. I was reading up on some plyo and lateral moves should be incorporated. IMAXs might be a little light on lateral moves. It seems to me that there almost should be an equal number of lateral and front to back moves to balance the legs. I find that the exercises that I am uncomfortable doing are the ones that I probably shouldn’t avoid; unless it is a pain issue, because they are probably an area of weakness. JMO and as you know I usually have to say something! I’m going to create my own plyo routine to tack on to the end of a 30 minute step session. I’m burnt out on the IMAXs, although I may try 1 again shortly. Maybe I’ve forgotten the number of lateral moves they have.

Suz – Glad you checked in. I’m on the fence now about another p90x rotation in a month or to wait awhile. I guess I’ll play it by ear and see how I feel, the weather, and my results. I like to ride too and once the weather gets better, I want to be free to get out and go. There are only so many hours in the day!

Hi to all and where is everyone today?

Monica I hope everything is ok. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Waiting is just horrible.

Happy Sunday X'ers! missed all of you but we are back in town safe & sound! I havent read any personals and it may take me until tomorrow AM.... but wanted to say Hi!
I completed Kenpo & Stretch X per plan this weekend ...+ a little Mega Step Blast. Probably no yoga today as we are a little late getting home but thats easy enought to plug into tomorrow.
FINAL!!!!!!! Recovery week officially begins today... WooHoo!!!!!!!!!!!! happy Dancing all over myself! The key will be to eat clean this PMS week!
Congrats to all who are in final days with me and to all who are starting a new phase! Cant wait to hear about any/all results.
Hope everyone had a terrific weekend! Dogs are hungry so gotta run.
Good afternoon,

Classic/Phase 2/Week 4/Day 7 (Recovery Week)

It was a bike ride for me, 43 miles. I have a 60 miler to do down in the valley next week, but feel ready for it. 2 other ladies are going down with me so that will be fun. It looks to be near 70 degrees down there for next week woohoo!!!!! I'll actually get to ride in shorts and short sleeved jersey, instead of tights, balaclava, lobster gloves and booties! What a treat and the elevation is 4200' lower than here so that should help too.

Tracy, 20 years doing Cathe workouts? The Pam Cosmi sounds good. I like some complexity, still working on mastering the Christie Taylors that I have, miss those. I need to do a stretch today too, but need to jump in the shower, grocery shop and then work on our bike club's newsletter.

Stephanie, hope you get thru L&B okay and that the good feelings rush in while you are doing it. Sometimes that happens to me, I'm not as enthusiastic until I can conquer a certain exercise, then I start hooping it up. That's pretty neat that your DS wants to do P90X. He must really see some good results from Mom doing it. I enjoy Turbo Jam too, only own the first offering of it, must check out the next ones.

Debra, enjoy Imax today. I think I've only done that one once. I like the athletic moves, but am a dork at the left handed throw. I do like the football drill at the end.

Hi Suz :D I've been really happy to do P90X during the holidays as it kept me on track with my eating. Don't regret that at all. I'm glad you are feeling better about your bike. Get that tire changed!!! I've decided that my heart rates are wrong for Cardio Coach. I'm going to use 172 as my MHR as I can hardly get my HR up to Level 4 at all. I can't even fathom doing CC#6 or #5 or any of the longer ones....sooooo, I decided that I had my HR set too high. I think I will be able to do more of the Cardio Coach workouts. I'm thinking of buying the Push Play #7 one. What do you think about my reasoning for my heart rates? We had a great ride today, still cold in morning but it warmed up into the mid 40's. I'm thinking that I probably won't do a P90X rotation for a while as it will be tough to coordinate the 2. You know how I like to really space out my leg workouts from my rides. Just will be tough to do. But I have learned how to really "bring it" and will try to apply that to whatever weight work I do. That sounds so cool about your friend and her "Italian bike". Actually, my dream would be to cycle in Italy or France, sightseeing lots, climbing some legendary climbs, and getting to drink fine wines at night and eat good food. I need to make this a reality!!! Glad you are back!!! :7 :7 :7 :7

Traci, so happy you are back with us!!! Miss you when you are gone. Hope it was a relaxing time for you this weekend. I need to focus on the clean eating this week too. Chest and Back first thing in the morning for me. I'm psyching myself up now.

Hey Everyone,

I usually don't post on weekends because I just don't get the computer time (DH loves his message boards on the weekends), but I'm just so excited about finishing a DVD that I had to get on. Now I know how Tracy and Traci feel. My final, FINAL time with Chest, Tris, and Shoulders was today. Yippee Yahoo! I NEVER have to do a one-handed push-up or clap push-up again! I'm sure I'll fit them in somewhere, whether it be an another P90x rotation (obviously) or in my new rotation, but it's nice to know that next Sunday I won't even come close to doing one. Wait a minute. I guess I DID finish some vidoes two weeks back (S&A and C&B). Oh well... just excited to be on week 4 of phase 3. Next week, recovery with Tracy!

Before I go on, I have to say how thoroughly impressed I am by you Jeanette. A 60 mile bike ride?!?!? And, actually, for you it's not just the leisurely "bike ride" that I may take, it's cycling. You go girl! Also, I'm extremely jealous of the 70 degree weather you mentioned. Below freezing in Southwestern PA and we probably received about 6 inches of snow today.

About pre-P90x measurements and fit test... I did not do either. I didn't take any pics either. Although the pics would've been hard for me to do (I'm definitely overly critical), I REALLY wish I would've taken the fit test and done measurements. When I started the program, I thought that I'd probably just maintain my current shape and weight. Although my weight remained consistent, my shape has changed drastically! I know I've lost fat in my arms and legs and my obliques pop like they never have before. I'm sure my BF % is still high (pizza and pasta are my fav foods), but there's definitely more definition under it all. Thanks P90x! I think I'll be getting on the Beachbody.com message boards to post my feelings on measurements before I'm done just to prompt people to make sure they do them.

Stephanie, Tracy, and Debra - You guys were talking a little about new videos. I get so uptight when searching for new stuff. My budget doesn't allow for tons of DVD purchases, so when searching for videos, I really try to read reviews and determine if the video will be challenging enough. My biggest complaint is that you can't adequately judge what type of exerciser (advanced, intermediate, beginner) the person giving the review is. After P90x, I'm even more apprehensive because I want something even MORE challenging to supplement my new rotations. Do you guys, or any of you other wonderfully fit ladies, know how to REALLY attempt to judge whether a workout is good or not? I trust all of your opinions highly. What websites (if any, besides videofitness.com) do you go to to read reviews and make the decisions on what to buy next?

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Tomorrow is Plyo FOR THE LAST TIME. Yippee yahoo for that too!
Hi all,

Jeanette - I'm glad you enjoyed your bike ride. I envy you. It's cold and damp here and I just don't have the gear to ride in that kind of weather. I do still run, can't take that away from me. I did another routine on the Eion Finn yoga for happiness today. I really like him because he gives form pointers, like push this hip forward and that one backwards, etc. That's where I think yoga x is lacking.

Traci - Glad you had a nice time and you're back. Things have been kind of quite around here.

DB - I can't really judge the workouts and I hate it when I get something that I dont use. I've been looking for weeks to buy something new. I don't have much extra $$ either and will probably be cursing myself when the AmEx bill comes. I guarantee that there will at least be one that I don't like; maybe more. I have a few now that I should just give away. I try to buy them on deep discount dvd and amazon, but they don't always have what I want. Dddvd has the Amy Bentos on sale for shipment in Feb. I was thinking of getting her hi lo one. I hate hi lo, but figure I need to do it. As far as challenging, I can usually add jumps, pump circle runs, etc to the step routines to increase the difficulty, so almost anything will work to some extent. If I get anything that is worth purchasing, I'll let you know.

Hey, everyone! Just got done doing Legs and Back, and Jeanette, you're right, once I got into it, I actually did quite well. I'm still doing assisted pull-ups, but I could do at least 10-12 per set, where I was doing 8-10 before. I'm going to have a recovery week next week, and I'm really interested to see how I've progressed with this workout after the recovery week. DS is doing CardioX right now! I'll keep you posted on that!

DB - I'm like you. I have three kids who all need stuff and I don't have a lot of money to spend on DVD's, either. I do spend a lot of time vascillating back and forth about getting something. It took me forever to decide to get P90X! Right now, I'm sticking with the instructors that I know, such as Cathe and I think I'm going to get a couple of the Master's Series DVD's. (Core Cardio - Traci, what did you think of that one? Will it work to sub for Core Syn. after P90X is done?) Now that I've done P90X, I'm kind of going to steer clear of step workouts for a while, since they really kill my knees and hips. I'm going to use the Cathe step workouts I currently have, and I'm going to try to do more weights, so I ordered Cathe's Gym Style series to try to make a similar rotation to what I'm doing now.

I really wish Tony would come out with P90X2 - I'd buy it in a second!

Have a great Sunday evening X-ers!

Thanks for the input Tracy. Although I hope you don't feel that dreaded "credit card remorse" I sometimes feel, I'm glad that I can at least identify with someone else on never knowing if what I buy is good. At least we both made a smooth move by purchasing P90x like the rest of the ladies on this forum.... ^^^^^5 to us all!

Have a great night! Time to go to bed and dream of salt trucks getting to the roads tonight for a safe morning commute.
CL/PH2/WEEK4/Day7: XStretch

Just a quick hello for the evening. I'll have to catch up tomorrow.

Tracy - phew, I thought you still had one more week to go. But you have all the hardest work done!!! Congratulations! How would you describe the changes to your physique? Substantial, moderate, minimal?

I did YogaX yesterday and XStretch today. So, I'm stretched out. I'm finding that today I'm feeling very similar to the last day of my first recovery week: anxious, pessimistic, "fat", and just generally really, really, really wanting a good workout. Does anyone else feel this way at the end of the recovery week?

DH did P90 Sweat and abs on Friday night, then did Circuit again on Saturday. His form improved significantly the second time around. Sundays will be his weekly rest day so I roped him into doing XStretch with me this morning. There were a few moves that were impossible for him, but he gave it all his best shot, and he said afterwards that it made him feel much better. His back stopped hurting. I think many peoples' backs would stop hurting if they stretched regularly.

Stephanie - hello!

Lea - hello!

Debra - I find the sports segment at the end of PlyoX doesn't do much for me, either. The rest of the workout is okay, though. I like it some weeks more than others.

Suz - hello! Nice to read how motivated you are to get back on your bike. Happy riding!

Traci - hello! Nice to see you back! Great workouts this weekend. MSB: an oldie but a nicey. Congratulations to you, too, for reaching the FINAL RECOVERY WEEK!!!

Jeanette - oooh, some good rides for you! I know DH would love to live anywhere where there is a longer cycling season. I'm psyching myself up for Chest&Back tomorrow, too. I wish I could do it right now and get it over with, but I'm still full from a large dinner, and don't really see myself doing a very good job trying to lift my own body weight!

DB - Wow, how exciting for you to be finishing all these workouts!! I look forward to being able to write that!

Have a good night!
Tracy - Yes, more hours in the day, or better yet more hours in the day and more days in the week would help us with our workout dilemmas, don't you think? :)

Jeanette - I think you're right on about your HR. If you can't reach level 4 then you probably do have it too high. And if you, the crazy woman who regularly rides 60 miles on a Sunday, can't fathom a longer CC, then yes, you need to lower your level 4 HR goal. ;) Ah, yes, the Italian bike is a Pinarello. They did, in fact do a cycling trip to Italy last year. One of my other cycling friends who I rode with all summer this past year is leaving the end of March (she's actually moving :( ) and going to Europe for 2 months, starting out in Italy for a 2 week cycling trip. Wouldn't that be awesome? Then she's going to stay in a cabin in Whistler for 5 weeks to work on her dissertation. She just got divorced and is trying to make the best of the hand she's been dealt. I'm with you on not wanting to wipe out my legs toward the end of the week and those long weekend rides, so I guess P90X would be tough. Hmmm...so much to think about!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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