Xers! * * * * * * * SATURDAY!* * * * * * *


Well, this is a first! I'm up super early today because we've got to leave to take DS to another wrestling meet. Last night, I did Back and Biceps for the last time. That is one workout I really like. At this point, I think I've done my last pull-up! I did not finish ARX, I'm embarrassed to say, but the abs couldn't take it for some reason last night. I want to give it one more go before this is over, though.

Skating on Thursday with the kids was a ton of fun! I’m happy to report I only fell once, but it was on a small fifth grade boy who broke my fall, so I wasn’t hurt. I know you’re all relieved. Surprisingly, my legs weren’t even sore.

Traci - 85 Degrees?!!! Oh, man, that sounds heavenly right now! Have a really great weekend at the bay! We’ll miss you this weekend!

Sandra - Chasing a hamster around the house in the middle of the night? Man, you should’ve gotten a hermit crab! MIC is the toughest workout I own, I think. I only do that when I’m feeling really, really, really fat like I need to burn off some serious calories. Also, I do the step part first because it’s more fun, then do the hi/lo until I pass out. Then, I know I’m done.

Debra - That stinks about your wrist - is it not getting better at all? Do you feel like it’s sprained? I’m so sorry that you have to wait until DH gets back to get it checked out. I’m sending good healing wishes your way, so that hopefully it will get healed before he gets back.

Jeanette - How do you like the Slim Series? Is it worth getting? Have you had it for a while. I think I’m going to get the Master’s Series Core Cardio to sub for Core Syn. I only have to do that one 2 more times! Yeah!!!

Laurie - Keep us posted on the full body workout of Barry’s Bootcamp. I guess I’ve never heard of this series. Am I missing something great? Believe it or not, I’ve done KPC probably hundreds (OK, maybe not that many) of times, and I’ve never done one of the premixes. Do they mix up the cardio stuff with the punch and kick drills or what?

Lea - Wow, are you having DOMS in those biceps today? You really went after them yesterday!

Tracy - How far did you run yesterday? I’ve got the sugar and salt TTOM cravings, too. And the Girl Scout cookies are on top of the fridge, taunting me.

Hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing, beautiful weekend!

Hi all Xers,

Today is pull/chin ups, abs, and some kickboxing.

Steph- Congratulations on making it to the last recovery week! Doesn't it feel good? I hope that the wrestling match ends in your son's favor. I ran a little over 4 miles. I'm not stiff today so that is good. Is spring just around the corner in Kansas, or is there more winter in store for you there?

Hi to Debra, Lea, Traci, Jeanette, Laurie, and Sandra. I hope you have a nice day and I look forward to hearing from everyone.


Morning gang. Wow you two are up early. And Tracy, no 3:30 for me today, except my cat tried to get me up for a good hour until I couldn't take it anymore.

Today was back. I did the back portion of back and biceps and was going to do GS Back, but my dern elbow started acting up again. Now it is hard to bend it. URGH!! Frustration. Who said getting older was easy? So no triceps tomorrow. Maybe Stretch X will be good. Who knows.

Have to finish painting today and get 3 of my permanent crowns. It's an exciting day ahead for me. What about you guys?

Debra - Sorry to hear about the wrist.

Good morning ladies...I am planning on back, chest, legs and abs today..I guess I better get going if I want to do all of that!

Lea...Sounds like you're falling apart at the seams! I don't envy you the dentist appointment! Hope your elbow is feeling better..You poor thing! My DH called me at 11:15 last night and then again at 8:00 this morning...he woke me up both times...what is that about?

Tracy...Have fun with your kickboxing and pull ups today. I am going to do KPC tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it!

Steph...Good morning...Thanks for starting us off. Glad to hear those 5th grade boys are useful for something! At least you guys weren't hurt. Congrats on your last back and bis...WooHoo! You're almost there! Have fun at the the match.

Gotta go to get my workout in and then have to take DD to a birthday party this afternoon...Hope you all have a great day!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Good morning,

A slow morning for me, didn't get my workout in YET. Got a couple phone calls, someone supposed to stop by, also need to go help my Mom download some pictures to have developed. Decided to work out this afternoon instead. Some kind of cardio workout.

Steph, you are so close to finishing. Last pullup, huh? Glad you didn't get hurt while skating. Hey, kids are tough, especially 5th graders! He probably laughed when you fell on him. I bought Slim Series about a year ago or more. Debbie is very pleasant and has a nice voice. They are just boring and the music is nothing much. You could play your own and just have the cues, there is an option for that. I did a rotation of about a month and got some good results, more of a slimming rather than bulking type of muscle, more definition I remember. And my legs slimmed a bit too. I don't think I could do one DVD after another as they are all very similar, lots of reps, low weight. I can hardly remember the difference between them. The Cool It Off stretch is good. Think I will just do them with a day of cardio, yoga, or plyo inbetween them. I think I've given up my wish to keep my strength gains from P90X. Don't think I can do everything. I'll pick up the gains again on another round of the X. I will get in some pullups today (lat pulldowns). I do want to keep that going.

Tracy, good going on the running not making you stiff. I think that's a good thing.

Lea, dentist visit and painting today. Life just doesn't get much better, does it? I just put away the painting stuff a few minutes ago. What is up with the elbow? Are you icing the elbow? I remember when DH had some tendonitis, it was soooo sore. They had him wear a band for tedonitis and it didn't help much. They then put him on a round of prednisone and it worked beautifully. No pain at all after that. It just needed a rest from the pain I think. Never came back.

Debra, have fun with your workout and the birthday party.

I've got to go clean out my car now, it's filthy inside.


We're a small group this weekend. How are you all doing? I used Shiva Rea's matrix yesterday to do a 74 minute yoga routine. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I did all 4 warrior dances (about 20 mins total), and feel like I generated some good heat. My favourite section was the forward bends and twists. It's almost 15 mins long, and targets the hips and lower back tremendously well. I am going to do this segment a couple times a week and see if it makes a difference.

Steph - it's always nice to see you and Monica posting when you get a chance. LOL about the 5th grade boy! They're not as small as they used to be. Did you thank him for his gallantry? Last pull up! Woohoo! Don't worry about ARX; we all have our 'off' days. Why is a hermit crab a better choice? Are they a daytime creature?

TracyX - I'm thinking your very brief description of your workout is deceptively simple. Deconstruct, please. We couldn't have ignored that hamster if we'd wanted to; she was under our bed! Her scratching and digging was so loud I thought a burgler was going through our drawers!

LeaX - grrooooan on the elbow. I'm sorry you're dealing with that. And a bum knee to boot. And your new crowns mean you can't eat for a day or two. What else is left? Oh, the core. This week you can do ARX 2x a day, every day. THANK YOU for the book! It arrived safe and sound yesterday. I look forward to reading it. What's the word on the shirts? Are you waiting for me? If so, I believe I asked for a grey, size L (stands for 'Lovable'!).

DebraX - Hmmmm, is DH making sure YOU're the person answering the phone at night? ;) Sounds like he's checking up on you! Is DD having a birthday soon?

JeanetteX - Ah, there you are! I was wondering if you'd gone to the Bay to visit TraciX. LeaX, DebraX, and I are not allowed to come visit TraciX until our children are grown (or in LeaX's case, returned to their owners). About the loose shorts - the ones I have don't ride up when I invert because they're nicely snug around the pelvis, but not lycra-tight. I should take a photo this week when I have them washed, and post it for you to see. I hope you get around to your workout today. What are you planning to do? I agree about giving up on maintaining P90X strength gains. I decided that myself this morning. Mind you, I'm not seeing any loss in upper-body definition, so maybe it's not that easy to give up on.

TraciX - That's extremely interesting that you are so sensitive to grains. Does that mean you'll work to avoid them in the future, or just live with the consequences? Oh yes, low hormone levels were definitely at the root of my brief Thursday post, but I've learned it's better to just shut up and wait until it all passes, over trying to bring everyone else down by being an unreasonable Gloomy Gus. I'm impressed that you even remembered! You're always so thoughtful! I've been MasterSandraX for over 11 years. I'm trying to be DoctorSandraX, just like TracyX. Hopefully it will happen this year, but I say that every year, so I no longer take myself seriously. That is so funny about the hamster in the dishwasher! Wow! Those little critters can get themselves into a lot of trouble. PP is a thoroughly fun total body workout. Excellent if you want to hit it all quickly, and creatively.

This morning SandraX did High Step Challenge, and Total Body Stretching #3. SandraX really enjoyed the workout, and feels very nice now. However, it has become apparent to our heroine that the few pounds she's gained over the past couple of months are not all muscle. Her butt, gut, and thighs are beginning to snuggle too close to the seams in the jeans. That's what happens when you live in fleece-lined sweat pants all winter. She has decided that it is time to shrink the fat cells again, and is trying to figure out the best plan of action for that. Since her eating is already very nutritious, the problem is most likely portion size and too much nibbling during meal preparation. Strategies for dealing with both are being devised as we speak, however, any support from her co-stars is much appreciated. She has been successful with Weight Watchers in the past, but is tired of measuring every bite that goes into her mouth, and counting points.

Okay, time to go be an attentive mother again. Have a great day!
Hi all,

Today I really just did some core, abs, the warmup and first two combos of KM, and six sets of pull/chin ups. I ran pretty hard yesterday and I was tired. I am happy to report that I was able to to the following unassisted; wide grip pull ups / 3, close grip pull ups / 4 / second set about 8 with just a toe on the ladder, then chin ups 8 / 9! I was very happy with that. In case I hadn't said, my goal is to be able to do 10 pull ups of any sort, in a row, and 15 chin ups.

Jeanette - I know you would sympathize with me. I spent the morning cleaning up "wood stove" mess. I'm shutting one down for the year, I can't take it any more. I hope that you get your workout in, and I'm sorry to hear that you are giving up on your strength gains. I'm still just doing a two day upper body split and getting results.

Lea - The elbow and the knee and the teeth...... I am so sorry. I hope you have dental insurance. Maybe the painting contributed to the elbow? I hope it is better quick.

Debra - A birthday party, that sounds like fun. Having boys seems to be so different than having girls. Of course, I'm not a social butterfly and neither are my kids, so that made a difference too. Flexibility leaves me faster than I can get it. I think that it is something that you continually have to work on. I just wish there was more time in the day.

Sandra - Please don't think that you are the only one who periodically feels the blues. I'm sure if you looked back at my posts there are definite periods when I'm a little more negative than others. On the food, snacking during meal preparation was a big issue for me and one time I counted the calories and it was over 500 and that was a low estimate. There were times when I would hardly eat dinner because I had snacked so much. Hello, that's such a waste of eating. Now I eat something before I start cooking, so that mentally I know I'm not hungry, and/or I do a crock pot or dish that doesn't lend itself to snacking. Also a cup of coffee diverts my attention while cooking. I also workout in the afternoons now and that seems to help. Lifting heavier has also done wonders for me as well as still watching the carbs. I used to live on carbs. Also, usually, not always, I eat most of my protein earlier in the day, and a big salad at night. I don't limit myself on anything that goes into the salad, but I'm a low fat food consumer from years ago and always will be. Are you too young to remember Jane Fonda and the low fat diet craze?

One last thing, the reason I did not go back to doing the Cathe variety of workouts is that it was not working before. Lesson learned for me. I'll post my chest and back workout later. I truely believe that body weight exercises are a key to tone and fitness.

Sandra and anyone else who wants a challenge, here is the back and chest workout that I did last month. It takes about an hour.

Chin ups
Flys /flat bench
Bench press/flat bench

Wide grip Pull ups
Flys /flat bench
Bench press/flat bench
Close Grips Pull ups

Reg. push ups
Under hand row BB
Lat Row /palms in DB

Wide Push ups
Over hand row BB
Lat Row Palm back DB
Decline push ups

Switch grip Pull ups
Flys /incline
Bench press /incline

Chin ups
Flys /incline
Bench press /incline
Pullup of choice

Tricep push ups
BB Row underhand
DB lat row

Push up/into side plank
BB Row Overhand
DB lat row Palm back
Push up on ball

Take breaks as you need them. It flows very nicely.


I finally got my workout in today, it was Turbo Jam Cardio Party. Fun workout. I may try to do some lat pulldowns in a bit just to work my back. I had a nice time with my mom today, helping her get her CD burner going and then downloading some pictures for her. After doing the pictures, we had coffee at Starbucks, sitting outside as it was quite nice here. I enjoyed it immensely. My mom is 72 and in good health (always has been). I love her to pieces (sniff). Tomorrow is our group bike ride and I'm really looking forward to it (as usual). Hope we get a good turnout for it.

Sandra, isn't Shiva's matrix the best? I love the speed of the vinyasas at the beginning. Her voice is just so nice too. I'm just doing workouts that make me feel good now in between Slim Series weight workouts. Hmmm, counting calories. I'm still doing okay, I think, I haven't stepped on the scale lately, but still eating like I did with P90X, more protein and only 1 carb serving per day (oatmeal in the morning). Hope you find something that works.

Tracy, must be a sign of spring coming if you are shutting down one of your woodstoves. I dislike the mess of bark, chips, etc., but love the radiant heat. Will be glad when we remove this one and take down the rock on the wall. We'll be putting in tile for the walls and hearth.

Got to go, hi to everyone else,

Good evening ladies! Hope you are all having glorious Saturdays...You can tell I'm in a good mood...We actually had nice weather today and it was so nice to be outside without parkas on! I did Leaner Legs today along with back and chest from CTX and then back and chest from MM. I did bench presses for the push ups so as not to pressure my wrist any more. It's weird...my wrist only hurts when there is some sort of pressure on it. It doesn't hurt with everyday activities...but I can't do push ups..and even the bench presses started to make it sore druing the exercise...but then when I'm done...no more pain. Who knows?!? I did not do abs...didn't have time this morning before I had to get DD to her friend's birthday party. DD's own bday party is tomorrow afternoon. I have at least 15 kiddies coming...Maybe more depending on if a couple didn't RSVP...We are having it at the place where she has gymnastics and the instructors will have the kids for an hour in the gym...and then I have them for another 45 minutes for cake and ice cream. One of DD's friend's mom is staying to help since DH is in Russia for another couple of weeks...and I need help keeping them all together!

Tracy...Thanks so much for posting your back and chest workout. I am so bad about doing exercises on my own without an instructor to prod me along...But I promise I will print it out and try it once my wrist is healed! My DD is a social butterfly...she actually had a problem limiting her guest list to under 20! I was never like that...just a couple of close friends for me...but she is very outgoing...and is well liked by her peers. I am very impressed with your chin and pull up capabilities!! I wish I could see a picture of your back...You must be cut! I have your shipment on my things to do list for Monday....Promise to get to you then.

Sandra...You were cracking me up talking about yourself in the third person!!!! Do you watch Seinfeld? Do you remember the episode where Elaine was seeing the guy who talked about himself like that? Also...there was a Grey's Anatomy where one of the patients did that, too...I know it may seem like I watch too much TV...but I really only like very few shows! Glad you enjoyed your yoga today. I have a Shiva Rea in my queue in flickety fit to see if I like her before I actually buy a DVD.

Jeanette...Hope your car is spic and span now...I guess you will be out riding tomorrow...Hope you have a great time! Thanks for the info on Slim Series, too.

Okay...I'm off for now...Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
I just did a quick vacuum of the front seat of my car. That was it, I just didn't want my Mom having to sit in a dirty car. I just ignored the back part. So sorry about your wrist too. My DH can't do pushups as it kills his shoulder, but he can do chest presses on the Bowflex okay. My, my, your DD is a social one. Wait until high school!!! Glad it's you and not me! I was like you, with a few friends. Hope you like Shiva too.

Have a good birthday party!


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