Traci, those are a bunch of high-fives to you for the weight increases in SA!!! Wear a tank top for the rest of the day, and show off those guns!!

LEAN/Phase 2/Week 1/Day 1

Well, I'm posting particularly late today, but work has been crazy and I haven't had a moment to myself, basically. Today, I must take a deep breath and prepare myself to enter Phase 2! I finally get to turn the page in the Fitness Guide! I start with Core Syn today. Yeah, I get to flop around on the floor doing Superman/Banana/Boats! I'm not procrastinating on that at all! Really, it's one of my favorites, but it's so stinkin' hard! I'm exhaused today trying to get back into my regular routine now that my vacation is over. I'll update you as to how it goes this evening!

Traci - You and Jeanette are crazy women getting up so early in the morning! I am definitely NOT a morning person! (Or an evening one, for that matter. I'm more of a midmorning person.) I am so impressed and excited about your increase in weights on Shoulders & Arms! I can't wait until I get there and see how much I've improved! Hey, if this is like magic, then it's for me! I wasn't able to increase my weights on any workouts in Phase 1, but we'll see how Phase 2 goes!

Sandra - I've only done Legs and Back using the pullup bar, but my forearms don't really get rock hard, but they do get sore, especially after the switch grip pullups. How cool is it that you were able to do the In-and-Outs with your arms in the air? That's my dream to eventually get there. In fact, it would be a miracle if I even finished ARX without crying in the middle of it! LOL! I've also been doing the pullups with my chair in front of me with both legs straight on the chair. I'm not sure this is helping me eventually do unassisted pullups, though. I will check out the link you posted for Gayle, though. I think I may have done an unassisted pullup once, but I may have pushed off the floor a teeny tiny bit so I don't know if that counts. I really want to work my back when doing these, though, and I've felt these exercises more in my arms than my back. Am I doing it wrong?

X - Love, love, love, the P90X link! Where did you find it? I've been kind of surfing around the Beachbody website, but didn't run across it. I looked at it briefly this morning while my car was warming up, but I'll have to peruse it more thoroughly tonight! How cool! I think it's really neat that your DH is working out with you. Has he always been into fitness? Are you both doing the Classic rotation? I thought my DH was going to do it with me, too, but he started the first two workouts of the Classic and then quit. It must be a lot harder than the LEAN! Well, I'll see for myself. The next time around, I'm going to be doing the Classic!

DB - LOL about the salespeople where you were shopping for pullup bars! I also have a very low doorway, and a low ceiling in addition to that. I use a chair with my legs straight out and my heels on the chair such as Sandra described. I can't even go all the way up, though, or I would hit my head on the ceiling. Weird, huh? I sort of pull up to my nose! My hamstrings and lower back are the absolute tightest on me! I really hope the Yoga and Stretch workouts will help with this, but so far they haven't. They feel great at the moment of doing the workout, but they haven't really seemed to help me long term yet. However, I just finished Phase 1, so I'll wait to pass judgement on that.

Lea - Congratulations on the higher weights on Shoulders and Arms. Did you just notice that change in Phase 3? You are blowing the fabulous Dreya out of the water! I've had the ARX flop happen before! That can be so discouraging, but I always feel it's so difficult to do ARX right after those intense workouts. Did you say that IMAX 3 was actually easier after PlyoX? Tell me more! I LOVE IMAX 2 and I have been terrified of ordering IMAX 3 because everyone says how incredibly difficult it is! I think IMAX 1 is really difficult, too. I found PlyoX difficult, but definitely do-able. Do you think I might be ready to take the plunge with IMAX 3? Do you know if it's in many of Cathe's rotations? I've kind of gotten hooked on this rotation thing. I've never done one before P90X.

Jeanette - I'm impressed your DH is trying to keep up with you doing P90X! Has he done the other workouts, too? You already know about my DH experience with P90X! LOL! Let us know if you decide to post pics or not. I don't think Phase 1 has done a whole lot for me yet, but again, I'm doing the LEAN rotation and not watching my eating too much. We'll see what happens after Phase 2!

Monica - Enjoy the remainder of your recovery week! It will help you get psyched for the next Phase! Kenpo is a fun one, isn't it? I always feel like such a "don't mess with me" chick throwing those punches and kicks. I try to imagine an attacker coming at me! I guess that's a throw back from my Billy Blanks days.

Debra - I love StepBlast too! I am really missing that one! That, and IMAX 2! I would sub a Cathe now and again, but I don't know where!

Well, I hope everyone had a successful and productive day! Does anyone else here work out in the evenings? There is no way I can get up an hour earlier to work out, so I wait until 9:00 when my kids are in bed, and work out then. I think we get so used to doing it at a certain time, it's almost impossible to change. Talk to you all tomorrow! I'll let you know if I survive Core Syn!


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