Wow People are complaining

Did that post make me sound alittle crazy? Cause I'm not:) Or at least I don't think so. I just don't like hearing negative comments about anything.And I didn't like the comment about "falling on deaf ears" thats mostly what my point is related to. I don't think that Cathe doesn't listen, I just think that she has already said a thousand times that low impact isn't her market.
By the way..I am just responding to the VF posting, not anything else anyone else posted.I didn't read the other post till after.
> People piss me off! Cathe can't please everyone, she is only
>a human being.I can understand that poeple want her to make
>low impast videos b/c they can't do high impact...but
>HELLOOOOOOO, she doesn't want to enter that market.Hasn't she
>said this a million times already.

It's understandable that people want the description of what they preorder to be fairly close to what the final product is. Many people feel that the description of "superset" (which isn't a superset workout, but a circuit workout) is quite different from the final product. It was billed as a high-rep, multiple-set workout for lighter/moderate weights, and now seems to be a one-set circuit for heavier weights. That is quite a difference. It does sound, however, like one of the DVD premixes will be what was originally described.

And people ask for low impact with the hope that someday Cathe will decide to make one. We count on her to be able to come out with a great, high-intensity, low-impact workout. It never hurts to ask, and those of us who have given up most of Cathe's step recent step workouts because of the impact and torque in them will keep asking. She does ask for suggestions, and is welcome to accept or refuse any that she pleases. For a long time, Cathe said she wasn't interested in doing kickboxing, but she got into it, and did a great job.
RE: Wow People are TATTLING

I don't like it when my five-year old acts like a "tattle-tale", and I don't like when posters here do it either. Was there an actual point to starting this thread, other than creating controversy? The VF thread was a civilized discussion that didn't need a link posted to it here.
Kathryn, Can you tell me what Supersets are? You mention that the Superset workout is really a Cuircut workout. Now I am curious to what a Superset workout really is. :+
RE: Setting the record Straight

I've been reading some of the threads today about how Supersets is a totally different workout from what was advertised, this is simply not the case and I feel a few misconceptions need to be cleared up.

A few points here that need to be corrected:

#1. It is not true that Supersets uses just heavy weights. This is not a Slow and Heavy series type workout by any means and doesn’t require what we call “heavy weights”. In fact a lot of exercises in this workout are performed on a stability ball making the use of heavy weights impossible and in some cases no weights are used at all. Also, this workout was never advertised as using light weights. We have always said from the beginning that Supersets will use “Moderate Weights”. We, of course, encourage you to use the maximum weight that you can safely handle with good form to get the most out of this program.

#2. It is also not true that Supersets only does 1 set per body part. The only difference between the initial description and the finished product is there are 2 cycles instead of 3 cycles. If Cathe would have kept to the original plan this video would have been almost 80 minutes in length and we feel that would have caused even more complaints. This is why we have said from the beginning that all the programs would be tweaked and changes made as rehearsals progressed. If you want the three cycle option it will be available as a premix on DVD.

#3 Supersets is not a cardio-circuit workout: This is true, but we never advertised this workout as being a cardio-circuit workout. Supersets has always been billed as a weight-circuit workout and Cathe has followed the pattern as she originally described when the presale was first launched. This workout was always designed to be similar to Boot Camp, but without the cardio…and this is exactly what Cathe has produced. Again, the only difference in this workout from what was originally described is two cycles per round instead of three.

Please keep in mind that it is impossible for us to accurately paint a picture of a video with just words. Some of you will love our new videos and some will not, but lets at least wait until you have seen them before judging them. From the threads I have read today many of you have a completely different perspective from what Supersets really is and from the video I have watched.

RE: Setting the record Straight

I think I've seen every video that Cathe has ever made including the early ones. Yes, she did do low impact step in Cardio Step Challenge. She has done it before. For her own reasons, she chooses not to do it anymore, but to say that she has never done it is simply not true.

I would think that she might consider the idea of one leetle lower impact workout or premix when she's producing 10 or 11 workouts a year, but I guess not (also ducking for cover).

For the record, I do use Cathe's step workouts, but have to limit how often I do them to prevent injury.

Yes, it's impossible to please everyone, but when you're making 10 or 11 workouts a year, you might just be able to broaden your appeal that much more.
RE: Setting the record Straight

Keep up the GREAT work Cathe and crew! I continue to be one PLEASED customer. The new workouts sound FABULOUS! If I didn't like them I would just cancel my preorder...but there is NO WAY I'm doing that! Can't wait for this new series. I discovered you when you came out with the Intensity series and there is no turning back for this happy at home exerciser! Thanks for fun, effective, movtiviating, and HARD workouts!
RE: Setting the record Straight

Thank you Chris for setting the record straight..

:) ... I had to get that one in... }(
> Kathryn, Can you tell me what Supersets are? You mention
>that the Superset workout is really a Cuircut workout. Now I
>am curious to what a Superset workout really is. :+

There are two definitions for supersets: one is two exercises done back-to-back for opposing muscle groups (like in " Push-pull" , which sounds like an actual superset workout). Another definition is two exercises done back-to-back for the same muscle group. This is also referred to as a " compound set" . (FYI: A "tri-set" is a series of three exercises done back-to-back, usually for the same muscle group).
Sure it never hurts to ask, but why end that with the fact that it is always falling on deaf ears? We all know that that is not true.Cathe greats and considers request.
And for the topic of not knowing what your pre ordering, then it would probably be a good idea if they didn't order it.I love all of cathes workouts and I have no problems doing any of the moves,so I know I will love the video.If I had a disability of some sort and I couldn't jump, or I couldn't lift heavy weights, then I would probably wait until I know more about the video.

Maybe some day she will make a low impact video.That would be great to. I am sure that we will all need some low impact video in this lifetime, I never said that she wouldn't.
I also agree with the fact that maybe this topic should have never been brought up.And I probably shouldn't of responded.I normally ignore post like this...but I had to post to something...noting else interested me at the time;) :p :7
On that note...can't wait to get my new workouts.
Kathryn: Not to be rotten or anything, so please don't take offense, but what if she did do a low impact and it wasn't intense or the usual great stuff? I mean, maybe her work outs are great because they are intense.

I posted over at VF that if people can give me a list of intense videos on par with Cathe i.e., interesting with out being too complex and frustrating and well cued than please let me know where they are hiding! I've got a few by other instructors, but really, they seem pretty hard to come by so I, for one, don't want to see my one source for new, intense work outs that come out each year to dry up.

I also wonder why people don't get on other instructors so maybe some one will step up and fill this niche.
> Kathryn,
>Sure it never hurts to ask, but why end that with the fact
>that it is always falling on deaf ears? We all know that that
>is not true.Cathe greats and considers request.

I didn't say anything about it falling on deaf ears. That was another poster. Please don't put words in my mouth, I can do that myself;-)
Not meaning to be rotten back;-) , but why do people most often seem to equate intensity with impact? There are other ways of getting intensity (balance challenges, range of motion_. Or at least some imagnative person should come out with some.

Kickboxiing is one example of a type of workout that doesn't need jumping and bouncing around and torquey moves to be intense. Rebounding can take intense cardio like that in MIC and make it easier on the joints (which, even for those who have no joint problems now, is a good idea at least some of the time). If Cathe doesn't want to do low-impact, I'd at least LOVE to see her do a rebounder workout.
I find it silly that people are complaining about videos that have not even been released yet!! I agree with the posters who are saying 'wait until you see them to pass judgement'. For goodness sake-- Cathe does not disappoint. Relax people!!
Creative people can take charge of their own workouts. Cathe's workouts are such a godsend to me. Cathe is rock solid. She keeps coming back with more. How can anyone be disappointed with yet unseen material? The most petty of the posters deserve a lump of coal!

We see lots of armchair politicians. I see too many armchair video instructors here (in the VF thread). I have been trying to design a plain old step workout and it is damn hard. And I consider myself gifted, not disadvantaged. It's still hard hard hard.

It costs $100 a month to belong to a health club around here with 4 step workouts a month. They are good! Half as good as Cathe's oldest workouts like Step Fit.

Usually I don't pipe up but for God's sake.!! I couldn't help it.


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