Workout Wed. Sep 8


Checking in: KPC (Kicking and Punching Premix) this morning. Was almost late for class! There's a flood warning here in New York! But the sound of the heavy rain last night was so comforting.
Plan to do Denise Austin Power Yoga Plus this evening: it's a pretty relaxing workout. Hope everyone's on schedule with their workouts! Have a nice day!

Hey Chiquita - (love your name that's one of my pet names for my 10 year old daughter:)).
Had an awesome workout with Cathe and IMAX2 this morning such a great start to the day. Doing lots of re-organizing at home today so I've been up and down the steps countless time. I have 3 massages later this afternoon and will be ready to put my feet up when I get home around 8:00. We're bracing for heavy rain tomorrow, your so right, the sound of heavy rain makes me feel so cozy in my house.:)
Enjoy your day.

Take Care
Yes, it took my husband almost 3 hours to get to work to NY from NJ because of the flood.

This morning I biked for 30min then I did PS Legs. I'm enjoying this PS series for a change. Brings back nice memories since this one is my first Cathe DVD.
Hi girls....late checking in! Chiquita...I love KPC! Although I do stay away from Denise...:(...

Laurie...I did Imax2 also, what a great workout. I also did PUB shoulders, triceps, biceps and abs.

Mari...PS is an alltime favorite of mine too...I love the floor legs....:)...Carole

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