Workout headaches


Active Member
Hi Cathe, or anyone who has experience with this: Lately, about 75% of the time I do a purely cardio workout, I get a headache afterwards. The headache starts as tension in my upper shoulders/neck/base of skull, and then works its way to my temples. For migraines, I normally take Excedrin, which works great, but it won't touch these headaches. Sometimes icing the neck area helps a bit. As a little background, I used to work out about 5 times a week, but since April have been plagued by a series of various injuries that have kept me from working out regularly. When I do cardio, afterwards my face gets extremely red and is so for a couple of hours, even if I take a cold shower. I have always had a somewhat high resting heart rate (although my blood pressure is within the normal range), and I believe I may go over my target heart rate zone when exercising. I have just purchased a heart rate monitor but have not used it yet. I am 37, and not overweight. I was a smoker from the age of 10 until the age of 34. These headaches happen whether I work out AM or PM, and even if the cardio is only a half hour. I know I should probably see my doctor, but does anyone have any insights for me? What are the dangers of going over your target heart rate zone?

Much appreciated,

Are you drinking enough water during your workouts? Are you eating enough to fuel them? I have found that I get a bad headache, even one that Excedrin Migraine won't stop, sometimes when I have not had enough water or food to fuel myself properly for a workout.

Also, are you noticing this EVERY time you work out or maybe just when you push yourself extremely hard? (Or maybe you push extremely hard every work out?) I have also found that I get a headache when I push very hard during a workout. A few times I have just really gotten into a workout at the gym or at home ad I notice afterwards that I pushed myself right into a headache!

Just a couple of possibilities :)

If I were you, I would start keeping track of my heart rate (even just by taking a beat per minute check at the beginning, middle and end of the workout) for a week or more and see your doctor. When you make the appointment, they might be able to tell you to record other things in anticipation of your appointment. That way, you go prepared to your doctor.

Good luck :)
I also think that drinking enough water will make a difference. I used to get headaches too until a nurse that I know told me I was probably a little dehydrated after my workouts. I always drank water while working out but now I drink at least 16 oz. right after. I no longer have problems. I finally realize that sometimes you think your hungry, but in fact you are really more thirsty. Hope it helps.

I feel like I push myself hard every workout (I don't like to waste my time!). I really don't know why it doesn't happen every time, but lately, it happens three out of four. Your suggestion to track my heartrate is a good one, and I will do that prior to seeing my doctor. I appreciate your feedback!:)

I drink about 30 oz. during my workout, but I do fall short in drinking water afterwards. If I workout in the AM, I am doing so right out of bed and so am probably dehydrated from overnight and am not at all fueled with food. If I workout later in the day, I have not been super disciplined about making sure I am hydrating myself during the day. I will begin challenging myself to get in at least 96 oz. during any given day, and will take your advice to drink 16 oz. right after. Thanks for the advice!:)
Another vote for hydration...the same thing happened to me before I figured out what I was doing wrong.

Hi, Post-exercise headaches are common and are not thought to be dangerous. Headaches appear sometime after exercise and can last for a short time or be of longer duration. They occur after exercise and sex. Some people are more prone to getting them than others and for these people it can occur frequently. The headaches that occur during exercise and subside soon after exercise are ones that can be a warning signal that something is wrong, including cardiovascular disease. If this is the type of headache you are experiencing, you should see a doctor. If you are experiencing post-exercise headache, there is probably nothing wrong, but you may want to talk with a doctor anyway.
It was dehydration for me too! I try to drink about 20 ounces once I am done! ( I also noticed that I had more joint aches until I started drinking more!)
In addition to checking for dehydration, you might want to check and see if you are tensing your shoulders while you workout. Try to consciously relax your neck/shoulder area several times throughout the workout and see if that helps.

Also, are you holding your breath at any time during the workout? Just another thought.
Referring to Cathy's post.....

sometimes headaches occur BEFORE sex!! :)
I'd definitely try staying more hydrated. When I am slightly dehydrated I tend to get the headaches.
Good luck and be careful.
T. :)
RE: Referring to Cathy's post.....

Thank you for all of your suggestions! I really appreciate all of your feedback and advice, and I will let you know how it turns out!

:) :)
Hi Stephanie! I feel for you as I am a migraine sufferer and sometimes suffer from exercise induced headaches which are similar to what you're describing - they feel more like a tension headache. I only get them from doing cardio - for me I'm more likely to get one from running then doing aerobics. These are a result of exertion and are at the very least annoying! I mention this particularly because you mention going over your target heart rate which would cause a bit of exertion. This may not be what your problem is, but if they're not going away by staying hydrated then this could be the cause. A couple of things you might try is lessening your cardio time to see if that helps such as doing 30 minutes of cardio instead of 60. Or do the same amount of cardio time, but lessen the impact. Or, break your cardio into 2 sessions. If some of these variations don't work then you might want to consult your doctor. He/she may have a good recommendation for how to avoid them. For me, I found if I keep my running under 4 miles I don't get a headache and I make sure to stay hydrated!

I don't know if this helps at all, but perhaps provides something else to think about.

Thanks, Jo - they really do only seem to happen when I do cardio, I have not in my pre-workout experience suffered from tension headaches, so they are quite foreign to me. I really do need to start using my heart rate monitor to see where I am at exertion-wise, and try to tone it down a bit until I get a bit stronger, I guess. It's hard to not go full-out - I hate to "waste" workout time, which is what I feel like I'm doing if I'm not gung-ho the entire time. Between the exertion issue, the hydration issue, and what Kathryn mentioned about being cognizant of tensing my shoulders, I think I might get this problem licked! I did try lessening my cardio time, but I got one of these headaches the other day from doing the cardio-only premix of Step, Pump and Jump which is only 26 minutes - that's pretty sad! I might do something less trying today, like a "casual" stroll on my elliptical trainer.

Thanks again!:)
I could've written your post. I too am 37, i've been working out for many years. As long as i can remember, i get post exercise headaches after very strenuous cardio. I also get red faced for about an hour after. Anyway, i know i am definately not dehydrated. I drink so much water it isn't even funny. Now, once a cardio workout is no longer challenging to me cardio wise, i notice i don't get the headaches. My newest obsession is running, and i always get headaches after running. Yesterday i had to cut my run short cause i got the headace.

I'm hoping for an answer too. Today i was going to try Pre-medicating w/ tylenol before my run. Maybe i can prevent it from the get go. Good luck!:)

I was thinking about this earlier, and realized that I never get these workout headaches after I do a FIRM cardio - which can be challenging for me, but are nowhere near as kick-butt to me as a Cathe cardio, for whatever reason. So your point about once the cardio isn't challenging anymore that you don't get the workout headaches is probably pretty right on. As I mentioned, it has been really hard for me to work out consistently lately because of some injuries and life interfering, and when I do get the chance to workout, I reach for Cathe. I have just recently been turned on to Cathe, and her stuff is so much fun. So maybe what I should do is start out with the FIRM for a little while until I am working out consistently again, then reach for Cathe (maybe Hardcore will be out by then!). Thanks for your input, and for letting me know that I'm not alone!

:) :)
Hi Stephanie,

Unfortunately, I get these headaches also. They only occur when I have really pushed myself with an intense workout such as stepping or running. I notice they happen when my heartrate goes over my max and stays that way for a while. I can get one with only a 30 min workout also if I push myself to hard. I would suggest to get a heartrate monitor and when your heartrate goes to high just bring it down alittle bit. Your still working hard just but you will prevent these headaches.

I did see the doctor about it and they ran a bunch of tests to make sure everything was okay. He recommended me taking medication everyday. It was basically blood pressure medicine. Anyway, I didn't want to start on medication so young and I know what to do to prevent the headache so I decided not to take the medicine.

I know it sucks when I get one of these headaches because once I have one it won't go away with any medicine I take. Anyway, good luck.


Maybe that's why I don't get the headaches with the FIRM, as none of their cardios are all step (except for Cardio Step Mix, which I don't do very often) the way a lot of Cathe's are (all the Cathe's I've been doing are all step). I have had a heart rate monitor for a while, but haven't used it because I'm intimidated about programming it. Time to suck it up and take care of it! It's a Polar A5 - hopefully I won't have any trouble getting it up and running.

These headaches definitely don't go away with any medicine (well, I haven't tried valium or muscle relaxers.... but I don't have any!).

Thanks for your input!:) :)
Hi , i hope you see this i know this is an older post but i just saw it and wanted to share my experience with you.Several years ago i was diagnosed with a condition called coratidina ( i have no idea if that's the way it's spelled ) but basicly what it is ,is an imflamation of the coratid artery in the neck ,a migraine headache in the neck is the best way to describe it.I was told to take some over the counter stuff pain meds and that it was'nt serious and not to worry,hard to do when when your neck feels like it's going to explode ,lol,but anyways a couple months later i was in the vitamin aisle of a store when i saw on the label of some omega 3 capsules that it helped support your vascular health and i thought i would give it a try and sure enough within a couple of weeks it was gone.So fast forward to now i discovered Cathe and bam the old neck starts acting up again after the workouts i really push myself hard on so i realized i have to start taking the omega 3 again,i had stopped no longer having the neck pain anymore,and voila it is working again ,this time i am staying on it. So after this long tale the point is you may want to try taking an omega 3 supplement and see if it helps,you never know, Have a great day , Mrsscififanec

Thank you for sharing your experience; I'll let you know if that helps!

I think I'm brave enough to try working out again; I think I'll start with something easier, like Lower Body Sculpt II or Sculpted Buns Hips and Thighs. If I really want to do cardio then maybe Cardio Sculpt Blaster. Keep your fingers crossed for me, everyone!;)

Two days ago I worked out with Lower Body Sculpt II and yesterday with Cardio Sculpt Blaster. Both days I drank lots of water, had an afternoon snack prior to working out, and concentrated on keep my neck and shoulders in a very neutral position. I have had no workout headaches thus far. I believe at this point that the headaches were exertion related. I'm just not in the same shape I was when I was exercising 5 days a week (well, duh!). I will continue working with FIRM tapes until my consistency and strength have built up somewhat, and then approach my Cathe tapes again (wah wahx( - I miss Cathe already!)

Thanks for all your help everyone!:D :D

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