Winter weight gain

Little Lady

I always gain weight in the winter. I'm down to 118 in the summer and then I always go up to 125 by Feb. and then it goes back down again as soon as it starts warming up. I've done this for 10 years. Does everyone do this?
Yes, I call it my winter pudge. It is what my body does naturally, . . like the polar bears, . . how right before hibernation they stuff their bodies and gain as much as they can. :)
. . like the polar bears, . . how right before hibernation they stuff their bodies and gain as much as they can. :)

LOL!!!!!!! except in my case, the stuffing oneself doesnt stop until march when i have that oh sh!t moment that summer is 3 months away ;)
You see I'm not the only one! It is a common occurance. :) (Said while patting my belly full of salad, crab cakes, and halibut) :(
I must be the odd one out as I am just the opposite when it comes to weight gain. I spend a lot of time at our cabin in the summer, away from my Cathe dvd's and workout equipment, with plenty of overeating and drinking. So come fall, I start to get serious with my eating to drop the pounds gained over the summer. I started October 1st and have lost 12 pounds so far. Unfortunately, the last 3 pounds I want to lose are just hanging on :mad: but I hope to reach my goal before our trip to Florida in January.
You're not the only odd one out. Me too! My weight doesn't vary from winter to summer at all. Ever.

My DS and I (he's 22) were just laughing about his weight today. He never varies either. No matter what he does. He's 6'1" and weighs 150 lbs. He can eat til the cows come home, work out with weights diligently and he weighs 150 lbs. He can stop eating, stop working out and do nothing and he weighs... 150 lbs!

Maybe it's genetic?
Unfortunately I gain about 5 lbs each winter but never lose it! I'm now at my all-time highest weight ever....said the same thing last year. I'll be 40 soon which is depressing enough for me so my goal is to get my weight down to a healthy range by then....which will be early 2011.
I'll find out which camp I'm in this year! I've only just been at goal since August. Of course, I'm in the first Meso of STS and doing cardio on the off days, so I really can't see that I would gain! At least I hope not! I'm going to do my darnedest to stay away from the candy and cookies, etc. and eat as well as possible so I don't gain anything!

We'll see what happens!
I've heard that the average American puts on 15 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year (from over indulging during the holiday season).
My natural tendency is to put on about 5 lbs over the winter but I'm fighting it like hell this year. I was icked out by my body composition change over the past year of less intense workouts due to injury. I kicked it up a notch starting about 3 weeks ago and am doing weights 3-4 days per week, cardio 6 days per week. I've cut out sugar and all simple carbs except for weekends (when I'm allowing myself 1-2 little treats), have cut out most caffeine and alcohol except for one drink on special occasions. So far I've lost 4 lbs on the scale and I'm getting my definition back, starting to lose the belly, starting to lose the cellulite. I'm not going to be among the gainers this year. :)

Yes I have a polar bear complex too. I think it's the weather and all the sweats at Christmas time. It has been around -50C here for about a week. I just want to stay under the covers and eat comfort food.

I have the winter blues and the only cure is chocolate and pasta ;).
Yup, no matter how hard I fight it, it's the same battle year after year. This time I'm really determined, I've already gone up a few and I have got to put a stop to it before I gain any more. My plan of attack - instead of making dinner with DH (where I eat way more than planned) I make a protein shake and call it dinner, and then teeth whitening strips and trashy romance novels to read at night instead of going to the pantry to mindlessly snack. The trick is to stay occupied during the evening hours when it's dark and cold.
I think you're right. I think that is the trick. I should try brushing my teeth immediately after dinner and see if it will help. I bet it would.

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