Who cares - June

Jody, lol I'm going to create another cycling buddy! Duh on not starting strava! Also there is an option to have it 'auto-pause' when you stop. When you start a recording (right before you hit the record button), there is options in the upper left for setting up auto-pause (can't remember if it defaults to that or not). Yes ratios are for comparing the different gears (1 in front, 5 in back might be similar to 2 in front 1 in back)--that is not cycle-speak. My neighbor always thought to put in one gear and go, but has learned the value of shifting. Now on your flats may be less, but it's optimal to have cadence at 80, maybe 90 (something my neighbor is still struggling with). It took me a year to feel comfortable at a 85 cadence (I was comfie at 75 last year). Just talked to my brother and it's something about getting the wheel to spin easier....I'm still digesting, but basically you get going at a higher cadence in a lower gear (like 1,1 for my blasted hills), then when you;re at 95 cadence shift up and it's easier to go for less effort or something like that. More for me to try. Oh back to your flats, my sister in Daytona, their bikes have a smaller jump in the gears because of the flats. I have a site I like to compare the gear ratios, if you really want, I can post it. I'd guess I do about 10-12 hrs a week cycling, but what I aim for is 100 miles a week (my brother's goal is more the time goal so it's a totally valid goal). This baby they got, I can't remember if I said, but the girl was in college that was preggo, well, she is athletic and didn't know she was pregnant until she went to the hospital because she didn't feel well and voila (spelling?) baby was born! Can you believe it? So they were really nervous she would change her mind since it's not like she knew she would give it up for months, more like hours! Thankfully it's all ended well. Oh and I never went to my prom either. I was 18 and dating a 33 yr old policeman....but that's another story!

Lisa - that sounds very intriguing!! Love the bike chat with Jody - you sound very knowledgeable.

Roxie - glad that your DVDs turned up.

Jody - sounds like you're getting Lisa's disease! I want to see that film, it's on my list. Would you recommend it?

Going to have a quiet weekend as been so busy recently. Just been to the dentist and got a clean bill of health. So did DD, then we went shopping and I spent another £90! I need to stop spending. Can't wait for Costa Rica as it will give my credit card a rest!
Probably going to do some yoga this afternoon.
Fit Tower TB premix done today- I really liked it! Ronne, when do you leave again? The movie was a little odd and DD left room after 5 minutes but I did like it and was glad I watched the whole thing. Lisa thanks for the info! I'm not likely to become a full on biker, I'd have to ride in traffic quite a bit unless I carried my bike to other locations. Oh and start wearing a helmet! Its almost July, when I flip my calendar over I see DD due to leave Swaziland at the end of this month!
PS, Lisa the adoptee's name is Lilly Jean and it was also a concern that birth mom might change her mind. I couldn't help but do a Michael Jackson thing. Lilly Jean is not your baby.... ~~moonwalks backward w/ new baby in arms~~
Hello! Today did Cathe live, quad something.

Lisa, it's like you are talking Chinese, I have no idea what that bike talk is about! I know when I tried biking, the gears messed me up, when to go up and down. I can't really think and workout at the same time.

Roxie, so glad you found your DVD's! What a relief!

Ronne, when do you leave for vacation? You are going to love it! We have family stuff this weekend and leave for D.C. On Wednesday. So excited to see DS again!

Jody, you are turning into a biker too! Do you have to work the holiday? Do you get double time?

Hi to Tracey and Murphy!

Well, DH has to work the U2 concert tomorrow night, he gets to be BACKSTAGE and take care of the band and crew if they need medical services. Needless to say, I'm a little salty about that.
Root canal went ok at the time, now its infected and I'm on antibiotics. Called the endodontist, he said he thought that would happen. Would have been nice to have a heads up.
Will be with family the next few days and then we leave, I will be back in about 10 days. Hope everyone is well! Mary
Mary, lucky DH! Yes, it would have been nice for dr to alert you to the possibility! You'd learn about gearing after riding with me, it becomes intuitive. You can hear DH and I shift about the same time a lot.

Jody, yes wear a helmet! I am lucky to have all the bone trails near me. There's a cool one that goes from somewhere on your coast and runs all down the keys. That sounds cool! Lol about Michael Jackson tune!

Ronne, it's hard to stop spending once on a spree!

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Hi fit babes! Always so much to catch up on, you all are very busy, active chicks! :)

Lisa, the first thing I noticed about your trip is that you brought Suki! That's awesome! I would have boarded BB for a trip like that. I'm glad you survived all of the falls and cow crap you encountered with no lasting affects! I definitely understand the quest for no crowds. DH and I avoid them too whenever we can! When I went to my massage therapist for the first time complaining of shoulder issues, she banned me from all overhead and lateral work for a good month or more. I think you have a good therapist! Oooh, dating an older man that was a policeman? That is intriguing! :) I have my bike stored under our back porch waiting for a deck to be built. I hate to admit that it's only good for BB to lift his leg on. :rolleyes:

Jody, I am showing my age ordering from Collage! I used to pore over every catalog I got too! I remember when they went out of business and then someone told me that it was back up. No more paper catalogs though! I just get emails from them when they have a sale. :) Thank you for the sites you get KCM workouts from, I'm not a boxing fan either. Loved your comment about adoption specials on the east coast, LOL!! The Pacific NW is beautiful, and I'm so lucky to live in the woods. But we earn it with all the rain we get!

Hi Ronne! We have air con. here, or as I refer to it: a/c. I've never liked the heat, and I grew up in California! My whole family is that way too. My trip east was fun, but we went wine tasting instead of pool dipping. That was too much fun! Thank you for the KCM recommendations! And I am sorry about that hot train ride, ewww. :(

Mary, I always admire that you do Cathe Live workouts, you go girl! I'm sorry about you having to get a root canal and then having to deal with an infection you could have been warned about beforehand! Grrr. Is it time to get a new dentist that will refer you to a better oral surgeon? And just how did DH get to go to the U2 concert? (I mean for work of course). :D

So glad your KCM dvds were found Roxie! Whew!

I finished week 2 of Cathe's June rotation and although I substituted a stair climb for a cardio workout, and running with BB for another cardio workout, it's kicking my booty! And work has been too stressful because the state legislature hasn't passed a budget yet--midnight tonight is the deadline--I won't have a job on Monday if it isn't signed by the Governor by 11:59. So we've spent way too many hours getting things done before leaving at 5 today and I haven't bothered watching the news. I'll check tomorrow! But I can say that the ice cream truck came to work today! Well, it was a co-worker, pushing a cart of frozen treats with ice cream truck music playing from his cell phone. And the ice cream was free! I treated myself to a Reece's Klondike bar. Yummy!

Have a great weekend fit babes!

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