**Wheres all those fit, fab in our 40's Gals??**

Hi all,

Today I plan to do disc 11. DH has been cooperating and helping me to make sure I get my exercise in. I try not to rely on it, but for days like this when I did not get to exercise in the morning, I have to rely on him (and the kids) to give me my space and time to exercise. I will report on it on Monday. Have a DOMS weekend. :)

Scubagirl - I am on disc 11. Next week should be my week off (Monday should be disc 12). If all goes well, I should be starting the second cycle on the 16th.

Lisa - I did not even think of linking the ankle weights. I may try that. I will still keep the vest, hubby likes it.

I'm finally here

I had caught my husband's cold last week and my male cat had a medical emergency so I was visiting him while he was at hospital for 5 days - he is now home and thankfully doing well and on antibiotics. Had I waited another day we could have lost him due to a urinary blockage. So now he's on special food for the rest of his life.

One of my friends loaned me CLX so I started that today using my weighted vest in some exercises so far so good. I like Chalene's bubbly personality she seems like so much fun.

Sorry I haven't checked in here lately life has been crazy but today was the 1st time in ages it seems that I was able to stay home and not run around everywhere and it feels so nice to just actually do laundry in a quiet house lol

Take Care everyone and all you STS gals keep at it as I'm enjoying the forums with all the info you all are sharing :)


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