When to up my workout?


Hi Cathe,
I wanted to know How does one know when to up a workout?
I have been doing the CXT videos for 2 weeks(I am 5 weeks postpartum)and I want to move on to a more intense workout like the ps series or slow and heavy and as for cardio I wanted to move into your longer step tapes
If I am up to it is it o.k or is it too much too soon.
How will I know?
Thank You in Advance,

a couple of things... (while you wait for Cathe to get back to you)

For a new Mom you sound to me like you are doing fabulously and you should congratulate yourself for what you have achieved so far! If you feel great and that you have achieved a solid base with the CTX series, you could try adding on one longer cardio workout per week, or a more extended weight training workout. I personally woulldn't add both at the same time. Try that one addition for a couple of weeks until it feels secure before adding anything else on.

I wouldn't advise you to go too fast too soon simply because the first year post partum can be unpredictable. I know that after each of my pregnancy and birth experiences, I was desperate to get back into shape again, and doctor's advice to take it easy at first irked me. But, if this is your first baby, you may not yet know how unpredictable things can be, and you need to have some energy stores to deal with that. A couple of months into the baby's life, something new might come along and usually does --since the baby is still getting used to life outside of your body-- and you can hit a sudden wall of tiredness. I know I did. Not exhausting yourself will allow you to ride these highs and lows with greater ease and not look like all the other grey, washed out new moms out there! I have photos of my sister and my sister in law both at around 2 months post partum, and they look like shadows of their former selves!! Poor things..

Also, if you are breastfeeding, another good reason not to push too much. I did --mistake-- and my milk dried up for my second baby. Frustrating for us both!

Hope this is of some help to you, and cuidate.

Hey Clare,
Thanks for responding,I actually am not breastfeeding and it's my third baby.
This is the first time postpartum I actually care about my fitness level with the other two I was overweight and did not care.
With this pregnancy I was 150 pounds before and I am 200 pounds now so I am borderline depressed.
I do want to use wisdom though and not do too much too soon.
I was wondering if I could do like the ps series or the slow and heavy or a longer cardio or shold I just stick with the cxt for now.
Thanks Again,

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